Sunday, August 31, 2008

Still McCain 317 – 221

After intensely analyzing the data since the Democratic Party’s Hatefest in Denver and Sen. John McCain selecting Gov. Sarah Palin to be his running mate, I see absolutely no change in the Electoral Vote as I predicted it on August 7.

I certainly hope the Democrats alienated more Americans with their message of hate and division than they attracted last week. Obviously, I would not be hopeful for the country if their ugly and divisive message sells. As the angry Michelle Obama could hardly complete a sentence without pointing at America, so, too, her husband seems unable to address the nation without pointing at us. It seems like piling on but even the angry Sen. John Kerry had to keep pointing at us as he shouted at us. I think I have bruises on my chest.

Sen. Obama is still having to defend his patriotism. That's amazing. With a completely compliant media, why isn't he beyond this?

While on vacation last week, my sister commented that Sen. John McCain has two sons serving in the United States military. I said she was wrong, that Sen. McCain only has one son who is a United States Marine. Back at my home computer, I just researched my sister’s claim and she is right and I was wrong. Sen. John McCain has one son, Jimmy, who is a lance corporal in the United States Marines (with at least one tour served in Iraq) and one son, Jack, who is at the United States Naval Academy. Press reports note that Sen. McCain is not only reluctant to talk about his sons’ service but that he doesn’t. I share this news here just in case anyone else didn’t know about the service of Sen. McCain’s sons.

Gov. Sarah Palin’s oldest, Track, 19, enlisted in the United States Army last year. He will be deployed to Iraq next month.

Speaking of Gov. Palin, Sen. John McCain is crazy like a fox. With the liberal extremists who control the media hyperventilating over her “thin” resume and her “inexperience”, it has brought back into focus just how unaccomplished and inexperienced Sen. Barack Obama is. For those just tuning in, Sen. Obama is at the top of the ticket for the Democrats.

Newsflash to the collectively stupid Democrats: read the 22nd Amendment.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Obama and the Democratic Party Attack Machine

Well, that didn't take long.

The Democratic Party's Attack Machine was in full swing last night. It would have been nice to hear a little positive but that's not what they do. Instead, it was: Attack! Attack! Attack!

Did I see James Carville roaming the floor?

How about that Michelle Obama? I would have thought that after President Clinton jabbed his finger in the chest of America someone would have gotten to Michelle and told her that that's not a good idea. Nothing like being lectured by an angry Democrat. I thought she was supposed to soften her voice in an attempt to appeal to the white middle-class Democrats who resoundingly rejected Sen. Obama during the primaries.

Finally, if only the Democrats could honor Sen. Kennedy every night.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Biden, Patriotism, and Pennsylvania

No one questions the patriotism of Sen. Joseph Biden so Sen. Barack Obama has that going for him.

When the week is dominated by Sen. Obama defending his patriotism and his supporters doing the same then Sen. John McCain has had a great week.

Again I've taken to reading the pathetic Philadelphia Inquirer. Yesterday the analysis article on the front page mentioned the "white middle-class" folks that Sen. Clinton appealed to and who Sen. Obama hopes that Sen. Biden might appeal to, especially in the state of Pennsylvania.

As we all know, because we are not idiots, the "white middle-class" folks who voted for Sen. Clinton over Sen. Obama during the Democratic primaries were all Democrats. I don't know what their problem with Sen. Obama is, maybe some of the liberal extremists who control the media should ask these Democrats what they are thinking when they're voting against Sen. Obama.

On a serious note, please see my posts of June 10 and 12, 2007 for some favorable comments by me about Sen. Biden.

Friday, August 22, 2008

It’s All About Culture: Values and Background

Here are the results from the latest Wall Street Journal / NBC News Poll to the question of whether the candidate had a background or values that the respondent could identify with:

For Sen. John McCain, 60% of the respondents said the Senator did have such a background or values. Thirty-three percent said he did not.

For Sen. Barack Obama, only 50% of respondents said the Senator had a such a background or values. A whopping 40% said he did not.

I don’t know the exact correlation between background/values and culture but I think there is probably a very close one. Based on the definitions I just read, it seems like values are a subset of culture and as prominent a component as any. When you add “background” to “values” then I think you pretty much get “culture”.

And that is Sen. Barack Obama’s huge problem and one that he will not overcome by the election. Matter of fact, as more people get to know the Senator, the worse he is going to perform on the background/values question.

Sen. Barack Obama is jamming his Pacific roots down our throat. The liberal extremists who control the media are making our acceptance of Sen. Obama as some kind of demonstration of global appreciation.

Sen. Barack Obama is pineapple.

The culture of America is a Coney Island hot dog. Sen. Obama and his apologist al Fediraban American allies think the only good Coney Island hot dog is one with pineapple relish. Sen. Obama and his friends in the media would have you believe that if you don’t eat a Coney Island hot dog with pineapple relish that you are a racist xenophobe.

The culture of America is a barbecue contest in, heck, pick a state, North Carolina? Georgia? Missouri? South Dakota? All of these states and more have local and national contests. I assure you, no one is putting pineapple in their meat rub.

The culture of America is Friday night football in Texas. Pineapple wedges at the snack bar? Please. But, because there isn’t, you got it, racist xenophobes.

The culture of America is ice fishing in Minnesota. There is no pineapple in the fishing huts sitting on the feet-thick ice. The anglers are all racist xenophobes, you know.

The culture of America is anything that any third grader would tell the class about a State she was assigned to present to the class. Skiing in Colorado and Utah. The rodeo in Wyoming. Hunting in just about all the States. The beach in those States lucky enough to border an ocean. I could go on but you should get the point by now. None of these things need pineapple.

Turn Sen. Obama’s anti-America message to the world around: imagine us insisting the Spanish matador eat pineapple while he was working. Why do we have to respect exactly how the Spanish conduct the bull fight?

Imagine us "encouraging", by guilt or shame, some martial arts class in any country where martial arts is part of that country’s culture that they have to snack on a Coney Island hot dog.

This list of examples can go on forever as well but hopefully you get the point. Exactly how every other country is doing what they are doing is exactly what Americans will respect but every thing we do we should try to change to appease some other culture. I say, “no way”.

Sen. Barack Obama is going to lose badly because he rejects the culture of America. He apologizes for it too much and Americans are going to tire of it.

If the young ladies in-line skating at Venice Beach are not eating pineapple wedges while they’re skating, well, that’s one change that I think I could support. I’ll bring the napkins.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My Suspicions

Thirteen days ago, I wrote, "Today, my first prediction of the Electoral Vote for the 2008 Presidential Election IF the contest is between Sen. John McCain and Sen. Barack Obama."

Naturally, I'm disappointed none of my millions of readers asked what was up with the "IF".

Today, my drive time talk radio program is wall-to-wall talk of Sen. Clinton stealing the nomination from Sen. Obama next week. As in, when her name is placed into nomination, are her delegates really not going to vote for her, especially given the recent slide in the polls of Sen. Obama?

Well, if anyone had asked, what they're talking about today on talk radio, and what I assume is a story on news and political web sites, is what I was writing about thirteen days ago; that, or a serious health issue that required Sen. McCain to withdraw from the campaign.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Underage(?) and the Big Tent

I think there should be a minimum age to drive. I think there should be a minimum age for many things. Competing at the Olympics is not one of them.

There still seems to a lot of hub-bub regarding the age of some of the Chinese gymnasts. Apparently some may be younger than the 16 year-old minimum age requirement to compete at the Olympics.

I’m telling you right now, if I won the Silver Medal and the Gold Medalist was disqualified for being too young, I would never accept the Gold Medal. I lost. I’m second best in the entire world and no ridiculous minimum age requirement is going to change that.

Instead of gymnastics, consider the 100M dash. You finish second to a 15 year-old. They strip the 15 year-old of the Gold and you’re going to accept it as the “world’s fastest” man or woman? No way.

Sen. John McCain is having a much harder time picking a running mate than Sen. Obama because all of the Republican candidates seem to have a “flaw”. For example, a man I’ve written extensively about, Gov. Tom Ridge (PA), is a pro-abortion Catholic. Objective people would say this is all evidence of the Big Tent of the Republican Party but it seems objective people do not control the media.

Sen. Obama is selecting from 397 people who all have exactly the same policy positions.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Stealing from the dead, indeed

My letter to the editor of the Boston Globe yesterday:


Until I read the piece, for a brief moment, I thought the Editorial Board of the Boston Globe had finally seen the light on liberals' love affair with the death tax (Stealing from the dead, editorial, August 16, A10).

Now I'm disappointed in myself for giving far too much credit to the Editorial Board, if only for the brief moment I lost my senses. (End of letter.)

So everyone is aware of the sensationalism practiced by the liberal exrtremists who control the media, the editorial I noted was about precious metal thieves who stole ornaments from a cemetary . . . hardly "stealing from the dead".

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Is Michelle Proud I?

The United States of America is kicking some serious ass at the 2008 Summer Olympics.

I wonder if Michelle Obama is proud of her country at all.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Good News for al FedRusIraban Americans
(See my prior post for the joke)

Russian troops are still knocking on the door to Tbilisi, Georgia.

Since the liberal extremists who control the media are portraying this as a failure of President Bush, this is great news for Sen. Barack Obama.

No word yet on which fledgling democracies the al FedRusIraban Americans are hoping will fall in the next 60 days.

Here's a great letter I submitted to the Boston Globe a few days ago:


In his column on the unreliability of Presidential polling, Mr. Todd Domke wrote, "Yes, there is white prejudice. But there's also white guilt about racism, which voters might be reluctant to admit as well. Does it offset the prejudice? There is great pride in, and support for, Obama among African-American voters. Their turnout might increase dramatically. Should pollsters increase the percentage of African-Americans in their polling sample? Or will there be an overall increase in voter turnout, thus offsetting any increase by a subset of the electorate (A tough call for presidential pollsters, August 8, A15)?"

But Mr. Domke could not bring himself to write, "Yes, there is black prejudice."

Until we can acknowledge racism is practiced by whites and blacks we will never have an honest discussion on race in this country. (End of letter.)

Get it? Whites are prejudice and Blacks have pride.

As usual, an idiotic comment by a writer for the Boston Globe.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

More Horrible News for al Fediraban-Americans

I think I already introduced Iran into the “al Fedaban” adjective but I can’t find my prior reference so I’m going with “al Fediraban”.

Now, I need everyone to bear with me for a moment as I construct this post (read: expose the liberal extremists who control the media for who they are).

This is the letter I submitted to the Boston Globe five or six days ago:


I laughed when I read, "A military jury yesterday found a former driver of Osama bin Laden guilty of supporting terrorism but not of conspiring in terrorist attacks, handing the Bush Administration a partial victory in the first US war crimes trial in half a century (Bin Laden's ex-driver convicted, A2, August 7)."

I know the Boston Globe thinks President Bush is the only American interested in prosecuting anti-American terrorists but he's not.

The sentence should have read, ". . . handing all Americans desirous of justice for terrorists a partial victory . . . " without any reference to President Bush as the "military jury" was commissioned by two acts of Congress, both acts passing both houses by huge margins. (End of letter to the Boston Globe.)

Okay, so is everyone clear? I did not cherry-pick this article for the purpose of writing this letter. Pick up any newspaper and the theme of this conviction was the same: victory for Bush only.

So, when we read that for the second time in one month a super-senior al Qaeda terrorist was killed, how can we not think, “how much worse can it get for Sen. Obama?”

Today it was reported that al Qaeda commander Abu Saeed al-Masri was killed by coalition forces in Pakistan.

This on the heels of coalition forces killing al Qaeda biological and chemical weapons expert, Abu Khabab al Masri, just last month.

If convicting an al Qaeda terrorist is only a victory for President Bush according to the liberal extremists who control the media, then how can the execution of two al Qaeda terrorists not be good news to the man who will be “Bush’s third term”?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Great Moral Leadership

While strolling my front yard this morning, I was suddenly inspired to post on the great moral leadership of another prominent Democrat.

This is what Sen. John Edwards said at or very nearly at the same time he was having an affair in 2006 (all CAPS mine for emphasis):

"I want to see our party lead on the great MORAL issues - yes, me a Democrat using that word - the great MORAL issues that face our country. If we want to live in a MORAL, HONEST, and just America and if we want to live in a MORAL and just world, we can't wait for somebody else to do it. We have to do it."

Thursday, August 07, 2008

McCain 317 – 221

Today, my first prediction of the Electoral Vote for the 2008 Presidential Election IF the contest is between Sen. John McCain and Sen. Barack Obama.

The above prediction is based on everything I know at this point and my read of the hemorrhaging of the Obama campaign. I think I’m way out in front of any political analyst in predicting such a massive McCain victory, a victory that I think can only grow larger barring any unforeseen catastrophic event harmful to McCain. I’ll update the prediction based on just major events between now and Election Day (the VP selections, the conventions, Associate Justice Stevens announcing his retirement from the U.S. Supreme Court, videotape of Michelle Obama burning an American Flag in 2002 appearing on You Tube, or major gaffes, for examples).

The state-by-state breakdown (electoral votes) completely ignoring that Maine and Nebraska can split their Electoral Votes. Of the 9 total votes, Sen. McCain gets 5.

33 States and 317 Electoral Votes for Sen. McCain as follows: Texas (34), Florida (27), Ohio (20), Michigan (17), Georgia and North Carolina (15), Virginia (13), Indiana, Missouri, and Tennessee (11), Minnesota and Arizona (10), Alabama, Louisiana, and Colorado (9), South Carolina and Kentucky (8), Oklahoma and Iowa (7), Arkansas, Mississippi, and Kansas (6), West Virginia, New Mexico, Nevada, and Nebraska (5), New Hampshire and Idaho (4), North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Alaska, and Montana (3).

16 States and the District of Columbia and 221 Electoral Votes for Sen. Obama as follows: California (55), New York (31), regrettably Pennsylvania and Illinois (21), New Jersey (15), Massachusetts (12), Washington (11), Maryland and Wisconsin (10), Oregon and Connecticut (7), Hawaii, Maine and Rhode Island (4), Vermont, Delaware and the District of Columbia (3).

Last two states in McCain’s total: Nevada and Iowa

Last two states in Obama’s total: Pennsylvania and Oregon

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Democrats' Plan for Cancer Research

Cancel the research; save the money!

I'm applying the same logic that Democrats apply to drilling for oil because it won't come to market for 4 - 8 years.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Sen. Barack Obama Plays the Race Card II

“Let me be clear — in no way do I think that John McCain’s campaign was being racist.” – Sen. Barack Obama, August 2, 2008.

Of course, I totally missed Sen. Obama’s ugly implication about Sen. McCain in Thursday’s post, that Sen. McCain was going to use the racist beliefs of others in order to defeat Sen. Obama.

Today, Sen. Obama is back at it.

Sen. McCain must defend himself from this outrageous comment by Sen. Obama.

Imagine the outrage from the liberal extremists who control the media if Sen. McCain said any of the following:

In no way do I think Barack Obama is unpatriotic.

In no way do I think Barack Obama is an islamofascist radical.

In no way do I think Barack Obama agrees with Rev. Wright and that America should be damned.

In no way do I think Barack Obama agrees with his wife in that his elevation is the first thing to make him proud of America in his adult life.

In no way do I think Barack Obama hates the military.

In no way do I think Barack Obama will fire Gen. David Petraeus if he is elected.

In no way do I think Barack Obama is a child molester.

In no way do I think Barack Obama is still using cocaine.

Anyone with anything I missed?