Sunday, August 10, 2008

Great Moral Leadership

While strolling my front yard this morning, I was suddenly inspired to post on the great moral leadership of another prominent Democrat.

This is what Sen. John Edwards said at or very nearly at the same time he was having an affair in 2006 (all CAPS mine for emphasis):

"I want to see our party lead on the great MORAL issues - yes, me a Democrat using that word - the great MORAL issues that face our country. If we want to live in a MORAL, HONEST, and just America and if we want to live in a MORAL and just world, we can't wait for somebody else to do it. We have to do it."


Blogger Zack said...

This comment is related to the August 7, 2008 post but I add it here to ensure more visibility.

Harball posted the following in response to my May 14, 2008 post.

So, though I'm disappointed Hardball didn't do his own research for when he predicted a McCain landslide, it is important to me to recognize he did make the call as he claimed in his August 7, 2008 comment.

From May 14, 2008 post, by Hardball, "Senator McCain will be the next President of the United States because he is the superior candidate when run versus Senator Obama or Senator Clinton. He is, of course, not the most qualified citizen available. That distinction, of course, belongs to Governor Romney.

Racism will not be a factor in the November election. However, as Senator McCain pulls away in the polls, liberal media such as the Boston Globe and New York Times will play the race card saying whites won't vote for Senator Obama because, generally, whites are scared of the ramifications of a black president. That, of course, is ridiculous. These so-called news outlets will ignore that blacks, generally, did not vote for Senator Clinton. Republicans, of course, will be the party that elects the first black president; General Powell and Secretary Rice lead the list of viable black candidates. The fact is some of the votes Senator McCain earns will be from racists, sexists, and possibly fascists. But mostly the votes he receives will be from mainstream americans who are appalled (offended?) by the moon-bat politics of the left. His inevitable election will have nothing to do with Senator Obama's skin color, or hanging chad for that matter. It will be about good versus evil. It will be about right versus wrong. It will be about accepting its OK to have enemies, and that its OK to fight your enemies on your own terms rather than appease them. We will be reminded of what duty, honor, country mean. It will be a landslide of Reagan/Mondale proportions.

7:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ZR: Thank you for reminding your readers of my eloquent prediction. I'm just so consumed with forward thinking that its difficult to recall each one of my pointed observations.

6:38 AM  

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