Monday, July 21, 2008

Yeah! They Get to Keep Enriching!

Before my main point, here's a letter in response to the only two letters the Boston Globe found worthy to print in the wake of another prominent Democrat, Gen. Wes Clark, smearing Sen. John McCain's military record:


It came as no surprise that after the parade of high-profile Sen. Obama supporters (Rockefeller, Harkin, McGovern, Clark, etc.) smeared Sen. John McCain's military record that the Boston Globe would print two letters perpetuating the liberal lie that President Bush, anyone in his Administration, or anyone on his re-election team was critical of Sen. John F. Kerry's war record (letters, Ideas, July 20, C8).

I know how facts make liberal extremists squirm, but the facts are that the Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth are almost 300 decorated Vietnam veterans, both Republicans and Democrats, who didn't think Sen. Kerry was fit to be Commander-in-Chief and who were, and continued to be, pilloried for expressing their opinion. (End of letter.)

Yes, the Globe didn't publish any letters addressing the attacks, only letters accommodating the lie against President Bush.

To my main point, the United States sent an envoy to participate in a high level meeting where European weenies and Iran were going to discuss Iran's sessation of enriching uranium. My (news)paper was overly smug that the meeting was somehow an embarrassment for President Bush.

My letter:


The glee of al Fedaban Americans was almost palpable that Iran DIDN'T have to suspend its nuclear weapons program in order to get a meeting with America's third-highest-ranking diplomat (Official: US envoy to meet Iran arms negotiator, July 16, A2). (End of letter.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where's the post re: on foreign soil a CANDIDATE for President of the United States says "I know my country has not perfected itself. At times we've struggled to keep the promise of liberty to and equality for all our people..." To the delight of the audience who's forebears killed >six million non-combatant men, women, and children. The fact of the matter is no country in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD has done more to protect the liberty and equality of all its people! And then same candidate refuses to meet wounded combat soldiers at the US military hospital on the same soil because THAT would be inappropriate. Who does this guy think he is? Enough already with the fawning. That overseas tour was inappropriate at best, traitorous at its worst!

5:41 PM  

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