Sunday, July 06, 2008

Except for Those Who Experienced the "Horrors"

Before I get to today's letter to the Boston Globe, given the dust-up Sen. McCain found himself in when one of his politcal advisors answered a question about how a terrorist attack would help Sen. McCain's Presidential campaign, is it any wonder that the extremist who control the media are not ever going to ask anyone from the Obama campaign if a failing US economy will help Sen. Obama?

Today, the Boston Globe published a letter suggesting that no one with any combat experience is responsible for the decision to go to war in Iraq. This was my letter in response:


Recently, the Boston Globe published this from a delusional hate-Bush letter-writer, “But Iraq was entirely a war of choice, decided on by men and women who had experienced not one single day of the horrors of war (Letters, July 6).”

I cannot list all of the men and women who were central to the decision to exercise the Clinton Administration’s call for regime change in Iraq but let me identify at least three of the most prominent figures.

First, Secretary of State Colin Powell had over thirty years as an active duty soldier. He has a Purple Heart and commendations for his bravery in Vietnam.

Second, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld also had over 20 years of active and reserve service in the U.S. Navy as a combat pilot and flight instructor.

Finally, Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), whose heroism in Vietnam is well-known, “chose” war. I do not know what impact Sen. Kerry’s vote for war had on Congressional members who did not serve but I guess it was substantial.

Excpet for all the men and women who did experience the “horrors of war”, I do not doubt the hate-Bush crowd will believe the decision for war in Iraq was made by men and women without such experience. (End of letter.)


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