Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Underage(?) and the Big Tent

I think there should be a minimum age to drive. I think there should be a minimum age for many things. Competing at the Olympics is not one of them.

There still seems to a lot of hub-bub regarding the age of some of the Chinese gymnasts. Apparently some may be younger than the 16 year-old minimum age requirement to compete at the Olympics.

I’m telling you right now, if I won the Silver Medal and the Gold Medalist was disqualified for being too young, I would never accept the Gold Medal. I lost. I’m second best in the entire world and no ridiculous minimum age requirement is going to change that.

Instead of gymnastics, consider the 100M dash. You finish second to a 15 year-old. They strip the 15 year-old of the Gold and you’re going to accept it as the “world’s fastest” man or woman? No way.

Sen. John McCain is having a much harder time picking a running mate than Sen. Obama because all of the Republican candidates seem to have a “flaw”. For example, a man I’ve written extensively about, Gov. Tom Ridge (PA), is a pro-abortion Catholic. Objective people would say this is all evidence of the Big Tent of the Republican Party but it seems objective people do not control the media.

Sen. Obama is selecting from 397 people who all have exactly the same policy positions.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not Catholic, but I'd like one of your Catholic readers to help me understand how "pro-abortion" and Catholic are consistent ideological places. Said differently, I don't think its possible to be both.

8:12 PM  

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