Thursday, August 14, 2008

Good News for al FedRusIraban Americans
(See my prior post for the joke)

Russian troops are still knocking on the door to Tbilisi, Georgia.

Since the liberal extremists who control the media are portraying this as a failure of President Bush, this is great news for Sen. Barack Obama.

No word yet on which fledgling democracies the al FedRusIraban Americans are hoping will fall in the next 60 days.

Here's a great letter I submitted to the Boston Globe a few days ago:


In his column on the unreliability of Presidential polling, Mr. Todd Domke wrote, "Yes, there is white prejudice. But there's also white guilt about racism, which voters might be reluctant to admit as well. Does it offset the prejudice? There is great pride in, and support for, Obama among African-American voters. Their turnout might increase dramatically. Should pollsters increase the percentage of African-Americans in their polling sample? Or will there be an overall increase in voter turnout, thus offsetting any increase by a subset of the electorate (A tough call for presidential pollsters, August 8, A15)?"

But Mr. Domke could not bring himself to write, "Yes, there is black prejudice."

Until we can acknowledge racism is practiced by whites and blacks we will never have an honest discussion on race in this country. (End of letter.)

Get it? Whites are prejudice and Blacks have pride.

As usual, an idiotic comment by a writer for the Boston Globe.


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