Tuesday, August 12, 2008

More Horrible News for al Fediraban-Americans

I think I already introduced Iran into the “al Fedaban” adjective but I can’t find my prior reference so I’m going with “al Fediraban”.

Now, I need everyone to bear with me for a moment as I construct this post (read: expose the liberal extremists who control the media for who they are).

This is the letter I submitted to the Boston Globe five or six days ago:


I laughed when I read, "A military jury yesterday found a former driver of Osama bin Laden guilty of supporting terrorism but not of conspiring in terrorist attacks, handing the Bush Administration a partial victory in the first US war crimes trial in half a century (Bin Laden's ex-driver convicted, A2, August 7)."

I know the Boston Globe thinks President Bush is the only American interested in prosecuting anti-American terrorists but he's not.

The sentence should have read, ". . . handing all Americans desirous of justice for terrorists a partial victory . . . " without any reference to President Bush as the "military jury" was commissioned by two acts of Congress, both acts passing both houses by huge margins. (End of letter to the Boston Globe.)

Okay, so is everyone clear? I did not cherry-pick this article for the purpose of writing this letter. Pick up any newspaper and the theme of this conviction was the same: victory for Bush only.

So, when we read that for the second time in one month a super-senior al Qaeda terrorist was killed, how can we not think, “how much worse can it get for Sen. Obama?”

Today it was reported that al Qaeda commander Abu Saeed al-Masri was killed by coalition forces in Pakistan.

This on the heels of coalition forces killing al Qaeda biological and chemical weapons expert, Abu Khabab al Masri, just last month.

If convicting an al Qaeda terrorist is only a victory for President Bush according to the liberal extremists who control the media, then how can the execution of two al Qaeda terrorists not be good news to the man who will be “Bush’s third term”?


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