Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Q: What if the liberal extremists who controlled the media were in the tank for Sen. Obama?

A: The media coverage of recent events would look exactly like it does right now.

Back on September 18 I listed a few of the hateful things the hateful Democrats said about Gov. Palin. I add to that list this beauty from hate-monger Rep. Alcee Hastings (D, FL) addressing the National Jewish Democratic Council:

"If Sarah Palin isn’t enough of a reason for you (Blogger’s Note: by “you” he means Jews; they all think exactly alike, you know) to get over whatever your problem (Blogger’s Note: no doubt implying they’re all racists) is with Barack Obama, then you damn well had better pay attention. Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks. So, you just think this through."

"Just like Jews (Blogger’s Note: they all think exactly alike, you know), blacks (Blogger’s Note: they all think exactly alike, you know) care about affordable health care, energy independence, and the separation of church and state. And just like blacks (Blogger’s Note: they all think exactly alike, you know), Jews (Blogger’s Note: they all think exactly alike, you know) care about equal pay for equal work, investment in alternative energy, and a woman's right to choose."

I could find no mainstream media reporting of Rep. Hastings’ vile remarks.

Just now coming to light after being ignored for so long, this was Sen. Joseph Biden from February, “If you want to know where Al Qaeda lives, you want to know where Bin Laden is, come back to Afghanistan with me. Come back to the area where my helicopter was forced down, with a three-star general and three senators at 10,500 feet in the middle of those mountains. I can tell you where they are."

Except his helicopter wasn’t forced down by enemy fire.

Reminiscent of Sen. Clinton’s lie about landing in Bosnia under “sniper fire” this was Sen. Biden during a presidential primary debate, “Let's start telling the truth. Number one, you take all the troops out - you better have helicopters ready to take those 3,000 civilians inside the Green Zone, where I have been seven times and shot at.”

Except Sen. Biden was not shot at.

Yes, let’s start telling the truth, Sen. Biden.

I’m not going to spend anymore time on the “bailout” issue than this: when the votes to pass a bill fail and the Dow is down, it’s President Bush’s fault and Sen. McCain is politically damaged; when a bailout bill becomes law and the Dow is up, there will be no stories about a Bush success and the political boost to McCain.

As there were hundreds of media stories expressing disgust of the political reality that a terrorist attack on the United States would help the McCain campaign, there are no stories of disgust about how an economic collapse is the best thing that could have happened for Obama.

Sen. Obama’s pal Bill Ayers could bomb the Pentagon tomorrow and it would not harm Sen. Obama in the least.

If the liberal extremists who control the media were in the tank for Sen. Obama it would look exactly like it does today.

Friday, September 26, 2008

President Obama Would Undoubtedly Pardon Her

A 29-year-old woman, Tanya Renee McBride, who allegedly kicked a pregnant woman in the stomach and groin, causing her to prematurely give birth to a baby that died, has been indicted on negligent homicide and second-degree battery charges.

Calcasieu Parish (Louisiana; the same state where the people passed a law that monsters who rape 8 year-olds could be put to death, a law that was recently ruled unconstitutional by the four liberal extremists on the U.S. Supreme Court plus the non-litmus-test Justice Kennedy) grand jurors returned an indictment Thursday against Ms. McBride.

McBride was charged in the death of a Jase Dougay which resulted from injuries sustained by the mother. The battery count says McBride kicked the mother, who was 19 weeks pregnant (Source: Fox News).

If the mother terminated her pregnancy in an abortorium there would be no crime for the death of the innocent, unborn fetus. Again, I believe human life begins at conception but for the sake of this single post I'll concede to the pro-aborition crowd that human life begins some time later. When? Can someone from the pro-abortion crowd explain exactly when we protect innocent, unborn, human life?

What I'm absolutely, positively sure of, though, is that human life is not dictated by whether the mother wants the baby or does not want the baby. Pregnant women are not God.

I've posted this before but let me do it again for those reading me for the first time on this topic. The mother in the story above, Mother #1, is driving to her doctor's office for a check-up; she is 20 weeks pregnant. Another woman, Fetus Carrier #1 (I don't confer the title "mother" on people who destroy innocent, unborn human life; that would be idiotic and I don't think I'm an idiot), also 20 weeks pregnant, is driving to an abortorium (a baby in her life would be inconvenient at this time). The latter runs a red light and broadsides the car of Mother #1, the only "fatalities" are the two innocent, unborn, fetuses. What's the State to do?

Mother #1 wanted her baby; that's what really makes it human life? Fetus Carrier #1 didn't want her baby so really what difference does it make if her innocent, unborn fetus' life ended in a bloody mess in an intersection or a bloody mess in an abortorium?

The State either sees two homicides here or none. Pregnant women are not God.

Please also re-read my very relevant post of November 5, 2005 (One Life or Two?)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Leaders Lead

Sen. John McCain suspended his campaign today so he could go to Washington and in a bi-partisan spirit, help resolve the Wall Street mess.

Leaders lead.

Sen. Obama is choosing to stay on the campaign trail.

Now, if only Sen. McCain lets it slip that it was Gov. Palin's idea for him to put Country First, again. The national media cannot call him on not having the idea himself because how could the media then ignore that neither the Messiah Obama nor Sen. Biden came up with the idea?

If the idea was Gov. Palin's it would send a huge message to the country that Gov. Palin is ready to lead . . . and that Sen. McCain is humble enough to listen to great advice.

Leaders lead; self-promoters continue to campaign.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Acceleration Lane

It would not be called an "acceleration lane" if the proper technique was to maintain speed, decelerate or !stop!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

It's the War in Iraq, Stupid

In advance of the November 2006 elections, I wrote the following on October 29, 2006:

"We are just more than a week out from Election Day and I need to repeat what I wrote back on August 26: Republicans will keep control of the US House of Representatives and the US Senate. Since August 26 much has happened. I'll not go into detail on what has happened (Blogger's September 20, 2008 Note: Rep. Mark Foley resigned), all those that subscribe to a liberal (news)paper have certainly read enough about a non-sex sex scandal to know what I'm referring to, plus I intend this to be a very short post in order to simply be on record.

Bona fide sexual harrasser and undeniable sexual predator (who was innoculated from it all because of his unwaivering belief in abortion-on-demand), William Jefferson Clinton had it exactly right: It's the economy, stupid.

All the people who pay for gasoline, own homes, have jobs, and own stock will simply decide Democrats will certainly not manage the war against terrorists better than Republicans and that they haven't minded their accumulation of wealth through home appreciation, 401(K) account appreciation, Roth account appreciation, 529 account appreciation, and increased disposable income from moderate merit increases and tax cuts coupled with declining gasoline prices and stifled inflation. That African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans are participating in the "ownership society" as they never have before will be the under-theme in the election result's post-mortem (voter turnout will be low as the national Democrats simply will not be able to incense traditional Democrat voting blocs with their hateful racial and ethnic rhetoric and those minorities that do go to the polls will vote for Republicans in greater percentages than the "experts" project). Just one man's opinion.

I'd love to hear yours but only if you include a brief "why" you think as you do. (End of October, 29, 2006 excerpt.)"

Of course, along with Rep. Foley, the liberal media could only write and talk about the war in Iraq leading up to the November 2006 elections (oh, and they spend quite a bit of time on Sen. Allen's unscripted "macacca" comment, too).

Today, with the war in Iraq going relatively well, all the liberal media can do is write and talk about the economy.

What surprise. It is the economy, stupid, but only when the issue helps the liberal extremists who control the media help the Democrats.

We are still fighting a war in Iraq, aren't we?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Gov. Sarah Palin's Crime: She’s the Candidate, Nothing More

Accepting one of the oft-repeated attacks by the hate-filled Left against Gov. Palin, that until four weeks ago nobody knew who she was, Gov. Palin sure has been on the receiving end of an awful lot of hate. Think about what that says about the Left.

Gov. Palin had no enemies in Washington (except maybe some Republican Alaskans) or in the national press; there was no reason for anyone in Washington or the national media to hate her. She was a PTA member, then a Mayor, then a Governor from faraway insignificant Alaska, as we are repeatedly reminded by the liberal extremist who control the media, each step building on the prior success in the smaller job. No ambition to be Vice President or President, just a bona fide public servant who has an 80% approval rating by those with standing to express such an opinion.

Yet, we now have the Democratic Party’s nominee for President of the United States calling her a “pig”.

Sen. Joe Biden dismisses her as, “well, she’s good-looking”.

South Carolina Democratic chairwoman, Carol Fowler, sharply attacked Gov. Palin with this beauty, her “primary qualification seems to be that she hasn't had an abortion.” Ms. Fowler later apologized but only to those who found her “comment offensive."

Then there was Tennessee Rep. Steven Cohen reminding people that, “Barack Obama was a community organizer like Jesus, who our minister prayed about; Pontius Pilate was a governor."

The hate is international. Ms. Heather Mallick writing for Canada’s Globe & Mail thinks Gov. Palin will attract the “white trash” vote.

Saturday Night Live loves the glass ceiling. Gov. Palin is nothing more than a “MILF” to some comics with a large viewership.

There is so much more hate out there. It’s everywhere. Columnist Maureen Dowd at the New York Times may be clinically obsessed with Gov. Palin; I think Ms. Dowd might have devoted every column since the convention to trashing Gov. Palin.

And why? For no other reason than Gov. Palin is the Republican Vice Presidential candidate. The personal attacks, the attacks against her daughter, and the attacks against her son are so vile . . . so Clintonesque with their trademark stink of the politics of personal destruction.

Nobody on the Right "hates" Sen. Joe Biden. He's wrong on the issues but nobody hates him for it. We laugh at him but we don’t hate him. If someone can find even one right wing blog with a hint of hate directed at Sen. Biden please make us aware. It’s just not out there.

With the Couric interview, Gov. Palin will eclipse by two (Gibson, Hannity, and Couric) the number of real interviews Obama has given (O'Reilly). Why no outcry from the Left about Sen. Obama cowering from the media? Oh, he’s not the Republican Vice Presidential candidate.

I’ll be honest, I don’t recall if Sen. Biden has given an interview yet. But would anyone watch it if he did?

I can only imagine the hate directed at the Republican Vice Presidential candidate if Sen. McCain asked any of the prominent names mentioned prior to the convention to run with him.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Daniel James (Sully) Sullivan

My college roommate and dear friend, Sully, passed away last night after a 12-year, truly brutal fight against merciless brain cancer.

Never once in 12 years did Sully ever complain to me “why me” or “it’s not fair”. It was always, “it is what it is, dude”. I'll never understand that spirit.

Sully leaves a wife and three kids.

The world lost a great man last night.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

More Evidence Left is Unhinged

Okay, so I was published again in last Tuesday’s Boston Globe. Ho hum.

The letter:


Your hyper-sensitive editorial in defense of "community organizers" would have been hysterical if it wasn't so pathetic (Urban organizer; ha ha ha!; September 7, K8).

Republicans are not mocking Sen. Obama's role as a community organizer in a political vacuum. Republicans are mocking Sen. Obama's role as a community organizer back-dropped by the ugly and mean-spirited attacks by Democrats on Gov. Palin's service as a Governor and Mayor.

Can we now expect an editorial defending the work of Governors and Mayors and calling out the insulting and belittling Democrats? (End of published letter.)

Near my letter was another letter noting that from the prior Sunday’s paper, there were six letters on Palin, five negative.

Yesterday, there were five letters on Palin, all negative.

Today, there are eight letters on Palin, six negative and two neutral. The Boston Globe couldn’t find even one letter fit to print to balance its hate today. Including mine, there are 20 letters in one week and 16 are anti-Palin, 2 support Palin and 3 are neutral. The Left is unhinged.

Here are three letters the Globe passed on for publication today; the Globe not interested at all in even a semblance of balance.


One of the all-time great campaign lies the liberals and Democrats tell, that President Bush attacked Sen. John F. Kerry’s war record, is now moving into its fifth year. Can feigned indignation continue indefinitely? I think we just might find out.

That liberals and Democrats are whining and stomping their feet over Republican objections to Sen. Obama’s ugly “pig” comment is just the latest reason Republicans laugh with so much gusto at the expense of gold medal, umbrage-taking, Democrats (Indignation on a pig, editorial, September 12; 5! Letters, September 13).

The angry letter attacking Republicans for their “sensitivity” to the “pig” comment given the obvious sensitivity of the letter-writer was a joke, right (Sorry, it comes with the territory, Letters, September 13)? The Boston Globe published the letter to embarrass the letter-writer, right? (End of unpublished letter #1.)

The liberals and Democrats have literally gone mad over the tempered reaction of Republicans reacting to Sen. Obama calling Gov. Palin a pig. How dare they notice an insult!


Who needs conservative columnists at the Boston Globe when we have liberal extremists insulting Americans (Pretzel logic from the McCain campaign, September 12)?

In trying to tar McCain senior policy adviser Nancy Pfotenhauer (another woman! can't this guy find some men to surround himself with!), Mr. Scot Lehigh might have written the most ironic thing I have ever read in my entire life. Mr. Lehigh thinks Ms. Pfotenhauer “stumbled into a revealing moment” when she said, ‘It doesn't matter what the media thinks. What matters is what the American people think.’

The revealing moment is that the liberal elites think it doesn’t matter what the American people think! Obama forbid they think something different than the liberal elites!

I know the liberal extremists in Boston, New York City, and Los Angeles will not understand my letter but the people who live in the rest of America most certainly will and that’s why they are rushing to support McCain/Palin. (End of unpublished letter #2.)

This letter above was received by the Boston Globe on Friday morning. Mr. James Taranto, of the Wall Street Journal, covered the Lehigh column in his web column thanks to yours truly.



Sen. Obama is proving he does not learn from his mistakes. Not a good quality in someone who wants to be president.

After first attacking Gov. Palin's experience given his inferior experience, he is now attacking Gov. Palin for exaggerating her accomplishments (Parties jockey to guide flood of data about Palin, September 10, A1).

At least Gov. Palin has accomplishments to exaggerate.

What's Sen. Obama's next ill-conceived attack? Is he going to challenge Gov. Palin's qualifications as an agent of change? (End of unpublished letter #3.)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Calling a Spade, a Spade
(It Was a “Pig” Comment II)

I am even more convinced today that Sen. Obama called Gov. Sarah Palin a “pig” two days ago than I was yesterday. Simply, it was an insult and I’m calling it an insult. I’m calling a spade, a spade.

In other news, the latest Washington Post / ABC News poll came out a few days ago and all the liberal newspapers could talk about was that Sen. McCain made great strides with “white women”. In the prior poll, Sen. Obama led this demographic 50 – 42. The latest poll has Sen. McCain up 53 – 41. That’s a whopping 19 point swing. Naturally, the liberal media is setting-up to label “white women” as racists.

As I’ve written before, I need to know the party affiliation of the women who flipped. You see, I think Democratic, white women are the women who flipped. The Republican, white women were already on-board the McCain train. I think Democratic, white women who aren’t of the abortion-on-demand zealotry are the ones who flipped. But, that would be an ugly indictment of Democratic, white women so you can see why the liberal media didn’t pursue trying to find out more about the “white women”.

Also from the latest polls we learned that Sen. Obama increased his 92 to whatever lead among all blacks (I could not find any gender splits) to 96 to whatever. It is extraordinary to me that the African-American community embraces, with such monolithic devotion, a candidate for president who believes in abortion-on-demand (as I’ve written before, blacks slaughter their unborn at three times the rate of whites), higher taxes, limits to parental choice on their child’s public education, constitutional rights for foreign terrorists, no domestic sourcing of crude oil, and who still wants to lose the war in Iraq, to name just a few policy positions of Sen. Obama. What can it be about Sen. Obama that draws such unanimous support from a specific demographic? Again, I’m sure the answer is obvious but I’m just not seeing it at this point. Maybe someone in the liberal media will see something odd here and investigate it and report it to us.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It Was a “Pig” Comment

The buzz all over the radio on the way home from work this evening was about Sen. Barack Obama’s “lipstick” comment from yesterday. The headlines on all the major news web sites were also about a “lipstick” comment.

Folks, it was a “pig” comment!

Sen. Obama, he so sure he’s the most cunning linguist (always wanted to use that phrase legitimately in a sentence) in the room, was just a little too clever with his words when he used the tired “lipstick on a pig” phrase. Sen. Obama was definitely trying to conjure the image of Gov. Palin as a pig. The crowd that roared after Sen. Obama’s insult loved the red meat. The video is undeniable.

The sorry explanation by the Obama campaign that Sen. McCain used the “lipstick” expression years ago to deride legislation being promoted by Sen. Hillary Clinton is not a defense as Sen. McCain WAS describing the legislation exactly as the Obama campaign says Sen. McCain was. And, a few days before Sen. McCain’s use of the phrase, Sen. Clinton did not use the word “lipstick” in a memorable quote.

Sen. Obama’s vicious personal attack on Gov. Palin is not surprising, though, as his campaign is imploding.

Daily now, the top of the Democratic Party’s ticket is attacking the bottom of the Republican Party’s ticket. That's un-presidential.

I only watched part of Bill O’Reilly’s interview with Sen. Obama but I saw enough to conclude Sen. Obama really is so un-presidential. Sen. Obama could not sit back in his chair and address challenges like a grown-up. Instead, like a 10 year-old protesting with his Dad, Sen. Obama, on the edge of his chair, kept raising his hand before O’Reilly’s face to get him to stop talking. All the while stammering, “Wait. Wait a minute. Hold on. Wait. Wait a minute, Bill.” That’s how he’s going to command respect in the Oval? God save us.

Sen. Obama is imploding despite the extraordinary help he’s getting from my (news)paper, the Boston Globe, and I'm sure hundreds of liberal (news)papers across the country.

My headline today: “US will boost its Afghan force”. The sub-headline is “Move tied to pullot of 8,000 from Iraq”. I’m not kidding, just to make sure everyone gets the liberally extreme point but who is too intellectually lazy to read the article, there is a second sub-headline. Are you ready for this? “Troop strength will equal pre-surge level”. Nowhere does the reader learn that President Bush is “withdrawing” troops from Iraq.

A second major story on the front page carries the headline “Obama outlines broad plan for US education”. Broad? Why does Sen. Obama pay a communications team when he has the liberal media?

What’s funny in the education article is that Sen. Obama paints a “dismal picture of the state of American education”. I have no idea who Sen. Obama thinks has had a stranglehold on the American education system for the last 50 years.

Not too long ago, I researched what would happen if the Electoral College tied at 269 – 269. Starting with the 2004 results, the change of just a few toss-up states could have provided such a result. Today, I toyed with an Electoral College map and, contemplating the Palin surge and the Obama implosion, I came up with a map of McCain 355 – Obama 183. The last state I had in Obama’s total was California with its 55 electoral votes. I’m not ready to change my 317 – 221 prediction but maybe soon.

Is Sen. Joe Biden always so angry?

Sunday, September 07, 2008

The Great Denial

My letter to the Boston Globe yesterday; yes, it's a repeating theme but the liberal extremists who control the media don't get it and will probably never get it but it doesn't stop me from trying; I copied several correspondents and columnists who are also in denial:


Scott Helman perpetuates the Great Denial of Democrats when he writes, "Senator Barack Obama . . . is targeting one of his biggest weaknesses: his standing with white, blue-collar voters (Citing grim jobs report, Obama reaches out to blue collar voters, September 6, A1)."

As everyone learned from the Democratic Party primaries, Sen. Obama was widely rejected by white, blue-collar, Democratic (and to a lesser extent, Independent) voters.

To lump Republican voters who probably disagree with Sen. Obama on just about every policy position with Democratic voters who voted along racial lines between two Democratic candidates (Sens. Clinton and Obama) with nearly identical policy positions is the Great Lie underlying the Great Denial.

There are no doubt many racist Democrats, some of the whites voting against Sen. Obama because of his skin color and some of the blacks voting for him for the same reason, and race relations are not improved in this country when the liberal extremists who control the media deny this fact.

Problems denied cannot be easily fixed (End of letter.).

Friday, September 05, 2008


Who is going to be the next prominent liberal extremist in the media (television, radio and print) who is going to embarrass him or herself by letting us know they are just learning that politicians have other people write their speeches?

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The Republican Big Tent

No, I did not watch every minute of the Democratic Party's convention and, no, I will not watch every minute of the Republican Party's. Matter of fact, I missed much of Senator Fred Thompson's speech last night. But I was not going to miss Senator Joseph Lieberman's speech.

Who could not be impressed that a sitting Democratic Senator gave such a rousing endorsement of the Republican ticket?

It was good to see and hear Sen. Lieberman get such a warm welcome and such continuous applause during his speech. I was reminded, in stark contrast, of how Democrats booed and hissed when Republican's were shown at the funeral for Sen. Paul Wellstone.

It was extremely odd to hear Sen. Lieberman extol President Clinton for working across the party aisle and to hear the convention floor applaud. At the Republican convention! Very odd. Sen. Lieberman could have retired on a bet he could have made weeks ago that he'd be able to say such things and get such a reaction.

Nevertheless, the Republican Party again proves it has the bigger tent. Sen. Lieberman was his Party's choice for Vice President just 8 years ago.

Country First!