Thursday, September 18, 2008

Gov. Sarah Palin's Crime: She’s the Candidate, Nothing More

Accepting one of the oft-repeated attacks by the hate-filled Left against Gov. Palin, that until four weeks ago nobody knew who she was, Gov. Palin sure has been on the receiving end of an awful lot of hate. Think about what that says about the Left.

Gov. Palin had no enemies in Washington (except maybe some Republican Alaskans) or in the national press; there was no reason for anyone in Washington or the national media to hate her. She was a PTA member, then a Mayor, then a Governor from faraway insignificant Alaska, as we are repeatedly reminded by the liberal extremist who control the media, each step building on the prior success in the smaller job. No ambition to be Vice President or President, just a bona fide public servant who has an 80% approval rating by those with standing to express such an opinion.

Yet, we now have the Democratic Party’s nominee for President of the United States calling her a “pig”.

Sen. Joe Biden dismisses her as, “well, she’s good-looking”.

South Carolina Democratic chairwoman, Carol Fowler, sharply attacked Gov. Palin with this beauty, her “primary qualification seems to be that she hasn't had an abortion.” Ms. Fowler later apologized but only to those who found her “comment offensive."

Then there was Tennessee Rep. Steven Cohen reminding people that, “Barack Obama was a community organizer like Jesus, who our minister prayed about; Pontius Pilate was a governor."

The hate is international. Ms. Heather Mallick writing for Canada’s Globe & Mail thinks Gov. Palin will attract the “white trash” vote.

Saturday Night Live loves the glass ceiling. Gov. Palin is nothing more than a “MILF” to some comics with a large viewership.

There is so much more hate out there. It’s everywhere. Columnist Maureen Dowd at the New York Times may be clinically obsessed with Gov. Palin; I think Ms. Dowd might have devoted every column since the convention to trashing Gov. Palin.

And why? For no other reason than Gov. Palin is the Republican Vice Presidential candidate. The personal attacks, the attacks against her daughter, and the attacks against her son are so vile . . . so Clintonesque with their trademark stink of the politics of personal destruction.

Nobody on the Right "hates" Sen. Joe Biden. He's wrong on the issues but nobody hates him for it. We laugh at him but we don’t hate him. If someone can find even one right wing blog with a hint of hate directed at Sen. Biden please make us aware. It’s just not out there.

With the Couric interview, Gov. Palin will eclipse by two (Gibson, Hannity, and Couric) the number of real interviews Obama has given (O'Reilly). Why no outcry from the Left about Sen. Obama cowering from the media? Oh, he’s not the Republican Vice Presidential candidate.

I’ll be honest, I don’t recall if Sen. Biden has given an interview yet. But would anyone watch it if he did?

I can only imagine the hate directed at the Republican Vice Presidential candidate if Sen. McCain asked any of the prominent names mentioned prior to the convention to run with him.


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