Sunday, September 07, 2008

The Great Denial

My letter to the Boston Globe yesterday; yes, it's a repeating theme but the liberal extremists who control the media don't get it and will probably never get it but it doesn't stop me from trying; I copied several correspondents and columnists who are also in denial:


Scott Helman perpetuates the Great Denial of Democrats when he writes, "Senator Barack Obama . . . is targeting one of his biggest weaknesses: his standing with white, blue-collar voters (Citing grim jobs report, Obama reaches out to blue collar voters, September 6, A1)."

As everyone learned from the Democratic Party primaries, Sen. Obama was widely rejected by white, blue-collar, Democratic (and to a lesser extent, Independent) voters.

To lump Republican voters who probably disagree with Sen. Obama on just about every policy position with Democratic voters who voted along racial lines between two Democratic candidates (Sens. Clinton and Obama) with nearly identical policy positions is the Great Lie underlying the Great Denial.

There are no doubt many racist Democrats, some of the whites voting against Sen. Obama because of his skin color and some of the blacks voting for him for the same reason, and race relations are not improved in this country when the liberal extremists who control the media deny this fact.

Problems denied cannot be easily fixed (End of letter.).


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