Sunday, September 14, 2008

More Evidence Left is Unhinged

Okay, so I was published again in last Tuesday’s Boston Globe. Ho hum.

The letter:


Your hyper-sensitive editorial in defense of "community organizers" would have been hysterical if it wasn't so pathetic (Urban organizer; ha ha ha!; September 7, K8).

Republicans are not mocking Sen. Obama's role as a community organizer in a political vacuum. Republicans are mocking Sen. Obama's role as a community organizer back-dropped by the ugly and mean-spirited attacks by Democrats on Gov. Palin's service as a Governor and Mayor.

Can we now expect an editorial defending the work of Governors and Mayors and calling out the insulting and belittling Democrats? (End of published letter.)

Near my letter was another letter noting that from the prior Sunday’s paper, there were six letters on Palin, five negative.

Yesterday, there were five letters on Palin, all negative.

Today, there are eight letters on Palin, six negative and two neutral. The Boston Globe couldn’t find even one letter fit to print to balance its hate today. Including mine, there are 20 letters in one week and 16 are anti-Palin, 2 support Palin and 3 are neutral. The Left is unhinged.

Here are three letters the Globe passed on for publication today; the Globe not interested at all in even a semblance of balance.


One of the all-time great campaign lies the liberals and Democrats tell, that President Bush attacked Sen. John F. Kerry’s war record, is now moving into its fifth year. Can feigned indignation continue indefinitely? I think we just might find out.

That liberals and Democrats are whining and stomping their feet over Republican objections to Sen. Obama’s ugly “pig” comment is just the latest reason Republicans laugh with so much gusto at the expense of gold medal, umbrage-taking, Democrats (Indignation on a pig, editorial, September 12; 5! Letters, September 13).

The angry letter attacking Republicans for their “sensitivity” to the “pig” comment given the obvious sensitivity of the letter-writer was a joke, right (Sorry, it comes with the territory, Letters, September 13)? The Boston Globe published the letter to embarrass the letter-writer, right? (End of unpublished letter #1.)

The liberals and Democrats have literally gone mad over the tempered reaction of Republicans reacting to Sen. Obama calling Gov. Palin a pig. How dare they notice an insult!


Who needs conservative columnists at the Boston Globe when we have liberal extremists insulting Americans (Pretzel logic from the McCain campaign, September 12)?

In trying to tar McCain senior policy adviser Nancy Pfotenhauer (another woman! can't this guy find some men to surround himself with!), Mr. Scot Lehigh might have written the most ironic thing I have ever read in my entire life. Mr. Lehigh thinks Ms. Pfotenhauer “stumbled into a revealing moment” when she said, ‘It doesn't matter what the media thinks. What matters is what the American people think.’

The revealing moment is that the liberal elites think it doesn’t matter what the American people think! Obama forbid they think something different than the liberal elites!

I know the liberal extremists in Boston, New York City, and Los Angeles will not understand my letter but the people who live in the rest of America most certainly will and that’s why they are rushing to support McCain/Palin. (End of unpublished letter #2.)

This letter above was received by the Boston Globe on Friday morning. Mr. James Taranto, of the Wall Street Journal, covered the Lehigh column in his web column thanks to yours truly.



Sen. Obama is proving he does not learn from his mistakes. Not a good quality in someone who wants to be president.

After first attacking Gov. Palin's experience given his inferior experience, he is now attacking Gov. Palin for exaggerating her accomplishments (Parties jockey to guide flood of data about Palin, September 10, A1).

At least Gov. Palin has accomplishments to exaggerate.

What's Sen. Obama's next ill-conceived attack? Is he going to challenge Gov. Palin's qualifications as an agent of change? (End of unpublished letter #3.)


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