Sunday, September 21, 2008

It's the War in Iraq, Stupid

In advance of the November 2006 elections, I wrote the following on October 29, 2006:

"We are just more than a week out from Election Day and I need to repeat what I wrote back on August 26: Republicans will keep control of the US House of Representatives and the US Senate. Since August 26 much has happened. I'll not go into detail on what has happened (Blogger's September 20, 2008 Note: Rep. Mark Foley resigned), all those that subscribe to a liberal (news)paper have certainly read enough about a non-sex sex scandal to know what I'm referring to, plus I intend this to be a very short post in order to simply be on record.

Bona fide sexual harrasser and undeniable sexual predator (who was innoculated from it all because of his unwaivering belief in abortion-on-demand), William Jefferson Clinton had it exactly right: It's the economy, stupid.

All the people who pay for gasoline, own homes, have jobs, and own stock will simply decide Democrats will certainly not manage the war against terrorists better than Republicans and that they haven't minded their accumulation of wealth through home appreciation, 401(K) account appreciation, Roth account appreciation, 529 account appreciation, and increased disposable income from moderate merit increases and tax cuts coupled with declining gasoline prices and stifled inflation. That African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans are participating in the "ownership society" as they never have before will be the under-theme in the election result's post-mortem (voter turnout will be low as the national Democrats simply will not be able to incense traditional Democrat voting blocs with their hateful racial and ethnic rhetoric and those minorities that do go to the polls will vote for Republicans in greater percentages than the "experts" project). Just one man's opinion.

I'd love to hear yours but only if you include a brief "why" you think as you do. (End of October, 29, 2006 excerpt.)"

Of course, along with Rep. Foley, the liberal media could only write and talk about the war in Iraq leading up to the November 2006 elections (oh, and they spend quite a bit of time on Sen. Allen's unscripted "macacca" comment, too).

Today, with the war in Iraq going relatively well, all the liberal media can do is write and talk about the economy.

What surprise. It is the economy, stupid, but only when the issue helps the liberal extremists who control the media help the Democrats.

We are still fighting a war in Iraq, aren't we?


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