Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Leaders Lead

Sen. John McCain suspended his campaign today so he could go to Washington and in a bi-partisan spirit, help resolve the Wall Street mess.

Leaders lead.

Sen. Obama is choosing to stay on the campaign trail.

Now, if only Sen. McCain lets it slip that it was Gov. Palin's idea for him to put Country First, again. The national media cannot call him on not having the idea himself because how could the media then ignore that neither the Messiah Obama nor Sen. Biden came up with the idea?

If the idea was Gov. Palin's it would send a huge message to the country that Gov. Palin is ready to lead . . . and that Sen. McCain is humble enough to listen to great advice.

Leaders lead; self-promoters continue to campaign.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Meltdown" underway for 18-24 months.

Dems have had Congress for two years.

Barney Frank, Charles Schumer, Charles Rangel at the helm of various "Finance" Committees.

But its Bush's fault.

Where was Congressional oversight/regulation for the last two years when Frank/Schumer/Rangel et al had the helm of Commerce, Banking and FInance, and Ways and Means Committees?


And what regulatory legislation has the Messiah introduced?


This starts ten years ago when the Barney Franks of Congress mandated under threat of significant penalty (rather than incentive) that banks relax lending standards to expand ownership to people who didn't (and still don't) have the means to own a home. It was a "Loan or else" mandate. Lower your down payment requirements, create instruments that favor the short term borrower (balloon mortgages, flex-ARMs, etc), or else. As it collapses upon itself they're blaming the bankers they were cornering for the last ten years.


7:11 AM  

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