After intensely analyzing the data since the Democratic Party’s Hatefest in Denver and Sen. John McCain selecting Gov. Sarah Palin to be his running mate, I see absolutely no change in the Electoral Vote as I predicted it on August 7.
I certainly hope the Democrats alienated more Americans with their message of hate and division than they attracted last week. Obviously, I would not be hopeful for the country if their ugly and divisive message sells. As the angry Michelle Obama could hardly complete a sentence without pointing at America, so, too, her husband seems unable to address the nation without pointing at us. It seems like piling on but even the angry Sen. John Kerry had to keep pointing at us as he shouted at us. I think I have bruises on my chest.
Sen. Obama is still having to defend his patriotism. That's amazing. With a completely compliant media, why isn't he beyond this?
While on vacation last week, my sister commented that Sen. John McCain has two sons serving in the United States military. I said she was wrong, that Sen. McCain only has one son who is a United States Marine. Back at my home computer, I just researched my sister’s claim and she is right and I was wrong. Sen. John McCain has one son, Jimmy, who is a lance corporal in the United States Marines (with at least one tour served in Iraq) and one son, Jack, who is at the United States Naval Academy. Press reports note that Sen. McCain is not only reluctant to talk about his sons’ service but that he doesn’t. I share this news here just in case anyone else didn’t know about the service of Sen. McCain’s sons.
Gov. Sarah Palin’s oldest, Track, 19, enlisted in the United States Army last year. He will be deployed to Iraq next month.
Speaking of Gov. Palin, Sen. John McCain is crazy like a fox. With the liberal extremists who control the media hyperventilating over her “thin” resume and her “inexperience”, it has brought back into focus just how unaccomplished and inexperienced Sen. Barack Obama is. For those just tuning in, Sen. Obama is at the top of the ticket for the Democrats.
Newsflash to the collectively stupid Democrats: read the 22nd Amendment.