Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sen. John S. McCain for President

There are no unimportant Presidential elections and for the liberal extremists who control the media to portray the 2008 election as any more important than the 2004, 2000 or any election prior, is simply ridiculous. All Presidential elections are important and all are of great consequence.

Accordingly, ZACKlyRight is endorsing Sen. John S. McCain for President of the United States of America.

As regular readers of ZACKlyRight know, the two primary responsibilities of the President are national security and appointing Federal judges, including the United States Supreme Court.

On matters of national security, Sen. McCain has routinely demonstrated that he understands the United States is under attack by those who hate us and those who wish to destroy us. The facts are clear, Sen. McCain was right about the surge strategy in Iraq and Sen. Obama was wrong. On the national security issue of the day, Sen. McCain got it right and Sen. Obama and Sen. Obama’s running mate, Sen. Joseph Biden, got it wrong.

Sen. Obama’s repeated insistence that he would meet with the world’s tyrants without pre-conditions is dangerously naïve given that the world’s tyrants have pre-conditions that the President would have to accept prior to any meeting. Sen. Obama simply does not get it. Sen. McCain is no wide-eyed novice when it comes to geopolitics and he will not be “played” by the world’s trouble-makers.

This page has long recognized Sen. Biden’s interest in controlling the global proliferation of nuclear weapons and the importance of safeguarding the former Soviet Union’s nuclear weapon stockpiles. ZACKlyRight trusts that a President McCain will keep an eye on this extremely important issue. No doubt, Sen. Biden will continue to be a watchdog on this very important issue . . . from his seat in the Senate.

There is a reasonable chance that the next President will appoint at least two U.S. Supreme Court Justices and as many as four . . . in his first term! A President McCain offers the very real possibility that innocent unborn human life no longer has to be subverted to a manufactured right to privacy. A President McCain offers a better possibility that constitutional rights will not be extended to foreign terrorists (while Constitutional rights are stripped from U.S. citizens). A President McCain offers a better possibility that the People will write our laws and not judge-legislators; if the people of Louisiana think a monster who rapes an 8 year-old girl should be put to death then monsters who desire to rape an 8 year-old girl should know to stay clear of Louisiana; these monsters should not be coddled by the Constitution as Sen. Obama would have the coddled.

To the extent writing legislation is important for the chief executive, Sen. McCain’s name graces too many pieces of landmark legislation to list here. Sen. Obama used his time in the Senate to not write a single piece of legislation. Sen. McCain’s name is also on legislation that failed. However, the legislation was an effort to fix what is broken. That’s called leadership. Sen. McCain has a legislative record of leadership; Sen. Obama has no record at all.

Sen. McCain has not based his campaign on his war hero credentials but those credentials cannot be ignored. Under the most extreme conditions, Sen. McCain demonstrated extraordinary bravery. ZACKlyRight contrasts Sen. McCain’s bravery with the cowardice of Sen. Obama who for two years on the campaign trail hid from every tough question.

Just quickly on Sen. McCain’s running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin. Gov. Palin has a record of accomplishment as Governor of Alaska that’s earned her the support of 80% of her constituents. She is the most popular chief executive of any state in the Union; this demonstrates the unique ability to work across party lines. Though there is not a separate election for Vice President, ZACKlyRight would endorse Gov. Palin over Sen. Joseph Biden for that office. ZACKlyRight has long championed not noticing any demographic characteristics about anybody but for the gender-obsessed, Gov. Palin is a female and for the age-obsessed, Gov. Palin is younger than Sen. Obama.

ZACKlyRight regrets the nasty, malicious, and negative tone of the Obama campaign. The ugly attacks by significant surrogates of Sen. Obama of Sen. McCain’s war record had no place in this campaign. Sen. Obama’s obscene use of the race card and the class warfare card should have been roundly condemned by the liberal extremists who control the media. Likewise, the tactics of personal destruction practiced by Sen. Obama and his surrogates should have been condemned. The personal attacks on Gov. Palin were particularly vile. America is better than the hateful and divisive campaign waged by Sen. Obama and his surrogates. National Democrats continue to display they have no shame.

ZACKlyRight does not lightly dismiss some of the talents of Sen. Obama but the Office of the President of the United States is not the office for some affirmative action experiment. ZACKlyRight encourages Sen. Obama to return to the United States Senate after his election day defeat and to try to accomplish something . . . anything, for starters.

Sen. John S. McCain is the man to lead America for at least the next 4 years.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Liberal Extremists Who Control Media will Ignore a Real News Story

A friend asked me the other day what I thought about the speculation that Sen. Barack Obama is not a US citizen and, therefore, does not meet the qualifications to be President of the United States. I told him this speculation is a non-story to me. There is no doubt in my mind that the person Sen. Obama claims to be his mother is a United States citizen and despite the technicalities of prevailing law, if Sen. Obama is the son of the woman who he claims to be his mother, then he meets the citizenship requirements to be President.

The story that the liberal extremists who control the media are neglecting is the one that very clearly tells of Sen. Obama being a member of the New Party as late as 1996. The New Party was a political party established by the Democratic Socialists of America and their own literature of the time touted Sen. Obama as a member.

Now, compare and contrast this story with the way the liberal extremists who control the media mischaracterized the prudent actions of the McCain campaign related to a female lobbyist. In his job as a United States Senator, Sen. McCain is often in the company of lobbyists, male and female. The McCain campaigned, concerned about how appearances could be grossly mischaracterized by liberal extremists who control the media, took positive action to reduce the number of contacts, especially private contacts, between Sen. McCain and one particular female lobbyist. The liberal extremists who control the media became aware of the McCain campaign’s discussions to not put Sen. McCain in situations that may be misconstrued and the extremists maliciously turned the whole story into an “affair” story: "was Sen. McCain having an affair with this lobbyist"? (Recall how the liberal extremists who control the media sat on the John Edwards affair story for over a year despite the overwhleming evidence.)

Sen. Obama was a socialist. He still may be. None of the liberal extremists who control the media care to find out. As Sen. Obama’s cozy relationship with a domestic terrorist is being ignored, so will Sen. Obama’s days as a member of the Socialist Party be ignored. As Sen. Obama’s twenty-year membership in a racist and anti-American church be ignored, so will Sen. Obama’s days as a member of the Socialist Party be ignored. As Sen. Obama’s many votes supporting President Bush are ignored, so will Sen. Obama’s days as a member of the Socialist Party be ignored. And on and on the liberal extremists who control the media will ignore every substantive and relevant story harmful to Sen. Obama.

But, expect another few days of penetrating questions from the liberal extremists who control the media on Gov. Palin’s wardrobe.

The story coming out of Ohio that state computers were illegally used to gather information on a plumber named Joe will die very quickly.

I had three after-work work events last week and one night taking my son to hockey practice so it was difficult to post. This post quickly follows a related post from yesterday; please make sure you read both.

No word yet if Rep. Jack Murth (D, PA) directed anymore hateful comments at his constituents today but the day is young and he’s full of hate so stay tuned.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Gleeful Dems: Hopefully Just Republicans will be Killed!

This quote from Sen. Biden explains the title of this post: “Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. Remember I said it standing here. If you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy. And he's gonna have to make some really tough -- I don't know what the decision's gonna be, but I promise you it will occur. As a student of history and having served with seven presidents, I guarantee you it's gonna happen." Okay, Joe, we get it; we’re “marking” your words; we’re not remembering anything else; and, we're noting your guarantee.

The New York Times endorsed Sen. Barack Obama today. Just like the Boston Globe, it was a very long endorsement and the Times could not cite one accomplishment of the man it thinks should be President. The Time also repeated the lie that it is Sen. McCain and his supporters running the negative campaign and not Sen. Obama and his supporters.

In clarifying his remarks that western Pennsylvanians are racists, Sen. Obama supporter and U.S. military slanderer, Rep. John Murtha (D, PA), said this, “What I said, that indicted everybody, that's not what I meant at all. What I mean is there's still folks that have a problem voting for someone because they are black. This whole area, years ago, was really redneck.” No offense taken, Jack.

Not comfortable he spewed enough hate in one week to last a lifetime, Rep. Murtha had to throw in some ageism. In identifying who might not vote for Sen. Obama, Rep. Murtha cited " . . . older people. They want change but they don't want to see things go too far."

A 28-year Army veteran is challenging Rep. Murtha for a seat in the House of Representatives.

Over a week ago I wrote that Sen. McCain should capitalize on Rep. Murtha’s (and Gov. Rendell’s) hate and try to capture Pennsylvania’s 21 Electoral votes. Well, it looks like they did and are doing exactly that. The latest polls out of Pennsylvania show a very tight race.

The Boston Globe and the New York Times have published many columns and letters that exploited something that was never uttered by a supporter at a McCain rally (so says the United States Secret Service). Sen. Obama even shamelessly used the non-comment in the last debate. The New York Times, in perfect yellow journalism fashion, used the non-comment in its endorsement today. But it was Obama supporters who wore t-shirts to an Obama rally insulting Gov. Palin. The message on the t-shirts was so vile that I cannot even suggest to you what it was.

The liberal extremists who control the media attack Sen. McCain for suggesting Sen. Obama’s cozy relationship with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers is something that should be examined. The liberal extremists say presidential campaigns should be above that. The liberal extremists who weren’t looking into the background of an Ohio plumber named Joe today spent the entire day obsessing over the cost of Gov. Palin’s wardrobe.

McCain 277 – 261. This has OH, PA and FL in McCain’s total.

For those who enjoyed this post, please read my June 14, 2007 post, Crime and Punishment.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Colin Who?

The recent endorsement of Sen. Barack Obama by a former United States Secretary of State is the most inconsequential endorsement in U.S. Presidential history despite what the liberal extremists who control the media say and write.

If the endorsement is a blantant pander to the 2,671 African-Americans who were not planning to vote for Sen. Obama, then I hope these African-Americans are as offended as the women who were never planning to vote for Sen. McCain were offended by the selection of Gov. Palin as Sen. McCain's running mate.

If the endorsement was intended to be serious, then someone has to explain to me how the endorsement of a "liar" has any value to Sen. Obama. Sen. Obama is supported by al FedIraban Americans. We know the drill: Bush lied and the US is killing innocent Muslims. Now the Obama supporters are warmly embracing the mouthpiece of the Bush Administration, the Adminstration that removed Saddam Hussein from power? It makes no sense.

Are we days away from learning another "brilliant" person (joining Sens. Clinton, Edwards, Kerry, and many, many others) was duped by a "dope".

If President Bush is a dope, then those he duped have to be considered pretty darn stupid. It's amazing how the most stupid of the Democrats are the most revered by their supporters.

Or, just maybe Saddam Hussein really was a bad guy who needed to be removed, as 77 United States Senators voted.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Racist Pennsylvania DEMOCRATS!

Before we get to the racism being practiced by Pennsylvania Democrats, I need to square some recent predictions I made.

On October 8, I predicted the Los Angeles Dodgers would defeat the Philadelphia Phillies in 6 games. Philly won in 5.

Also, on October 8, I predicted the Boston Red Sox would defeat the Tampa Bay Devil Rays in 6. Tampa won in . . . what? . . . Boston came back and won game 5? Okay, I can still at least pick the winner in that series.

Finally, on October 8, I predicted Sen. McCain would still win the Oval by an Electoral Vote count of 274 – 264. I give you a comment by Mr. Karl Rove, the Architect, from the Wall Street Journal on October 16 (a full 8 days later), “Mr. McCain's other adjustment is his schedule. His campaign understands the dire circumstances it faces and is narrowing his travels almost exclusively to Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, Missouri, Colorado and Nevada. If he carries those states, while losing only Iowa and New Mexico from the GOP's 2004 total, Mr. McCain will carry 274 Electoral College votes and the White House. It's threading the needle, but it's come to that.”

Now to the hate harbored by Pennsylvania Democrats.

Within the last week, U.S. military slanderer Rep. Jack Murtha (D, PA) had this to say about the people who elected him to the United States House of Representatives, “There's no question western Pennsylvania is a racist area.”

Same as the coward Sen. John F. Kerry “apologized” when he called U.S. troops stupid, that is, through a press release rather than standing before a microphone and reporters, Rep. Murtha issued this asinine apology, “I apologize for making the comment that 'Western Pennsylvania is a racist area.’"

Note that Rep. Murtha did not retract his claim that there is “no question that western Pennsylvania is a racist area”. He only apologized for making the comment. He apologized for saying out loud what he truly believes.

This is no different than the belief of the Democratic governor of the state of Pennsylvania, Ed Rendell, who said this in advance of the Democratic primary earlier this year (Blogger’s Note: Democrats vote in Democratic primaries), “You’ve got conservative whites here, and I think there are some whites who are probably not ready to vote for an African-American candidate.”

I have not seen the news yet today so I don’t know that Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin have not been in Pennsylvania all day but they damn well should have been. And, they should be there tomorrow and the next day and the day after that. Rep. Murtha’s hateful statement and ridiculous cowardly apology are enough to turn that state red . . . and who knows how many others.

Instead of asking you to go to my last four extremely relevant posts on this subject, I simply cut and paste them here. Read as much as you want, skip it all, your choice.

If Gov. Rendell and Rep. Murtha know their constituents as well as they must, I guess I’ve had this thing nailed since May 14, 2008.

May 14, 2008
Racist Democrats to Select Next President

The letter I submitted to the Boston Globe today:


So, Clinton supporter Susan Kincaid of West Virginia thinks Sen. Clinton "has a better chance in November than (Sen.) Obama. I think there's still a lot of racism in this country and I think that would hinder him" (W. Va. Clinton fans want her to stay and fight, May 14, A8).

The exit polls in Ms. Kincaid's beloved West Virginia show her state's white Democrats picked Sen. Clinton 74% of the time. I'm sure Ms. Kincaid does not think any of her white Democratic friends are racists; surely they all have perfectly good explanations for why they prefer the white candidate.

Exit polls in some earlier Democratic primaries show blacks picking Sen. Obama more than 90% of the time.News flash to Ms. Kincaid and other in-denial Democrats: there are racists in the Democratic Party. (End of letter.)

Sen. John McCain will be the next President of the United States of America. And, part of the reason will be because Ms. Kincaid is correct, "there's still a lot of racism in this country". Little does she know how much a part of it she and her Democratic friends are.

Hopefully the realization that there are Democratic racists and black racists will be the catalyst for an honest discussion of race relations in this country.

June 7, 2008
Racist Democrats Will Elect Next President II

On May 14, 2008, I first addressed the blatant racism of white Democrats (black Democrats appear to be as racist as the whites but they won’t be electing the next President, so they are not discussed here further). I did not go into depth on my thoughts on May 14, so I go just a little further now.

There is no discernable difference in the policy positions of Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama. None. I read about 2 hours of newspaper, magazine and on-line political stories a day. With this level of exposure, I cannot describe or explain one policy difference between the two. I think true policy wonks can see some daylight between the two Senators’ nationalized health care programs (Sen. Obama, apparently, enamored with the lines sick people face in his beloved Canada). I’m skeptical that even 1,000 of the 30 million people who voted in Democratic primaries can explain a policy difference between the two. If a supporter of either reads this post and can explain a difference, it would be most welcome.

So, what divided the Democrats? Race. No, ifs, ands or buts about it. White, non-college educated Democrats did not vote for Sen. Clinton because of sexism or a perceived policy position difference.

In the lead up to the general election, the liberal extremists who dominate the media will try to portray the Republicans as the racists but this is will be a massive, despicable lie. The filth will not help the healing process and will only further fan the flames of race relations in this Country.

White, and most Black, Republicans will support Sen. John McCain precisely because of policy differences between Sen. McCain and Sen. Obama.

I’m not going to list all the differences between the two here because it will read like an RNC talking points memo and I don't get my thoughts from the RNC but let me certainly highlight continuing the surge success in Iraq versus not, extending the Bush tax cuts or not, and appointing another Roberts to the United States Supreme Court versus appointing President Bill Clinton or Sen. Hillary Clinton.

White and Black Republicans will vote for Sen. John McCain on policy. Imagine the converse, a Republican disavowing his or her policy beliefs to vote for Sen. Obama because he is black. THAT would be an indication the Republican practices racism and may be a racist.

I’m not going to deny there are racist Republicans. Of course there are. Some will even mask their racism by hiding behind bona fide policy differences to substantiate their support for Sen. McCain. But, these racists will still be voting their policy beliefs.

Many white Democrats will vote for Sen. John McCain because they are racists. These white racist Democrats will subordinate their political beliefs to their racism. These white racist Democrats, in what may be a very close election, will elect the next President.

This post does not tell a happy story. As pleased as I will be that Sen. McCain will be our next President, that racist Democrats will elect him is an ugly and distasteful truth.

August 25, 2008
Biden, Patriotism, and Pennsylvania

No one questions the patriotism of Sen. Joseph Biden so Sen. Barack Obama has that going for him.

When the week is dominated by Sen. Obama defending his patriotism and his supporters doing the same then Sen. John McCain has had a great week.

Again I've taken to reading the pathetic Philadelphia Inquirer. Yesterday the analysis article on the front page mentioned the "white middle-class" folks that Sen. Clinton appealed to and who Sen. Obama hopes that Sen. Biden might appeal to, especially in the state of Pennsylvania.

As we all know, because we are not idiots, the "white middle-class" folks who voted for Sen. Clinton over Sen. Obama during the Democratic primaries were all Democrats.

I don't know what their problem with Sen. Obama is, maybe some of the liberal extremists who control the media should ask these Democrats what they are thinking when they're voting against Sen. Obama.

September 7, 2008
The Great Denial

My letter to the Boston Globe yesterday; yes, it's a repeating theme but the liberal extremists who control the media don't get it and will probably never get it but it doesn't stop me from trying; I copied several correspondents and columnists who are also in denial:


Scott Helman perpetuates the Great Denial of Democrats when he writes, "Senator Barack Obama . . . is targeting one of his biggest weaknesses: his standing with white, blue-collar voters (Citing grim jobs report, Obama reaches out to blue collar voters, September 6, A1)."

As everyone learned from the Democratic Party primaries, Sen. Obama was widely rejected by white, blue-collar, Democratic (and to a lesser extent, Independent) voters.

To lump Republican voters who probably disagree with Sen. Obama on just about every policy position with Democratic voters who voted along racial lines between two Democratic candidates (Sens. Clinton and Obama) with nearly identical policy positions is the Great Lie underlying the Great Denial.

There are no doubt many racist Democrats, some of the whites voting against Sen. Obama because of his skin color and some of the blacks voting for him for the same reason, and race relations are not improved in this country when the liberal extremists who control the media deny this fact.

Problems denied cannot be easily fixed (End of letter.).

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Myth for President

Yesterday, October 14, was my birthday. Ironically, given the entire basis for my blog, yesterday was the day the Boston Globe published its editorial endorsing Sen. Barack Obama for President of the United States of America.

The endorsement was 947 words long and it did not list one accomplishment of the man who would be President.

I give you super-clipped excerpts just so you can get a sense of the flowery, over-the-top, literary intercourse: “With great enthusiasm, the Globe endorses Senator Barack Obama for president. The charismatic Democrat . . . Americans' hopes . . . rally the public together . . . Obama shows great faith in the possibility of persuasion overseas and in the ingenuity of the American economy . . . Obama has assembled an impressive economic team . . . promote social equity . . . formidable political gifts . . . a nimble mind, an ever more impressive grasp of policy detail, and an ability to listen to contradictory viewpoints . . . the way Obama has run his campaign has been a marvel of sound management: He laid down principles, put the right people in positions of authority, and spent money strategically. And he has shown a remarkable steadiness . . . Barack Obama is the one to lead the way.”

My letter to the editor:


In reading your endorsement of Sen. Barack Obama for President, it became quite clear that you were endorsing someone you wish Sen. Obama to be but someone who Sen. Obama is clearly not (Obama for President, editorial, October 14). You first lied to yourself then you lied to us.

To suggest Sen. Obama is somehow opposed to President Bush’s surveillance of suspected terrorists here in the United States is folly. Sen. Obama, after threatening to filibuster the extension of FISA, voted with President Bush.

You praise Sen. Obama for “asking Americans to take responsibility for the Nation’s problems now” without offering a single example of when he has done so. How things could have been different for "future generations" if the Boston Globe appreciated this trait in a President when President Bush asked the American people and Congress to address Social Security and Immigration reform. It was Congress, of which Sen. Obama is a member, who elected to pass on addressing these problems.

The liberal media’s lack of interest in learning anything about a man poised to be President is astonishing.

That the Boston Globe endorsed Sen. Obama without noting a single one of his accomplishments (because he has none!) is editorial malpractice.

It was a smoke and mirrors editorial appreciating a smoke and mirrors candidate.

God help us. (End of letter.)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Politics of Military Service

In my opinion, National Guard Reservist Captain Beau Biden and Army Private Track Palin are American heroes. I think anyone who chooses to wear the uniform is. You certainly don’t have to come home in a flag-draped coffin to earn the distinction.

That I can find no mainstream media news account letting Americans know that Captain Biden is “being deployed to Iraq” to serve in the Judge Advocate General’s office shows how embarrassed the Left is of Captain Biden’s service (maybe officers are required to carry a sidearm but maybe there’s a prohibition against carrying a sidearm in an office, too; I just don’t know). I suggest the Left is as embarrassed as it was that former US Senator Max Cleland’s (Captain, US Army, ret.) horrible war time injuries were not as the result of combat.

It is extraordinary that I have seen significantly more stories in the media about Captain Biden’s National Guard “deployment to Iraq” than I have about Army Private Palin’s.

Whatever military service narrative serves the Democrat the best is the narrative spun by the liberal extremists who control the media.

You know, I keep forgetting that Sen. McCain’s son, a Lance Corporal in the United States Marines, already served a year in combat in Iraq. You see, a more truthful narrative is not convenient for the Left.

Captain Biden and Private Palin are American heroes and anyone who reads this post and doesn’t understand that is by his or her choice. I’m not embarrassed by Captain Biden’s service, it is Democrats who appear to be. I’m certainly not embarrassed by Captain Cleland’s service, it was Democrats who appeared to be.

I certainly thought Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Secretary of State Colin Powell’s service was honorable despite the tired refrain from the Left that no one in the Bush White House served in the United States military (President Bush served in the Air National Guard so I think you get my point).

Sens. John F. Kerry and Jack Reed, Rep. Jack Murtha and the ten Vietnam veterans who supported Sen. Kerry during his failed Presidential campaign were not the only heroes of the Vietnam War and all other Veterans part of the "millions of monsters", as Sen. Kerry testified in 1971.

In other news, these are two letters I fired off to the Boston Globe today; neither needs any introduction other than it's okay to hate on the Left:


No objective observer could conclude that Sen. Joseph Biden's Vice Presidential debate performance was any better than Gov. Sarah Palin's that it justified 58 letters last week hostile to Gov. Palin and only 10 of mixed support for Sen. Biden (Hot Topics, October 11).

The disparity, 58 - 10!, is more evidence of just how unhinged the Left is. (End of first letter.)


It is, of course, outrageous that Sen. Barack Obama is cast as the hero and victim in a story about Sen. John McCain silencing a supporter at one of his campaign stops on Friday and calling for more civility on the campaign trail (Supporters jeer as McCain calls Obama a "decent person', October 11, A1).

Sen. Obama in perfect victim fashion said, "It's easy to rile up a crowd by stoking anger and division. But that's not what we need right now in the United States."

Well, Sen. Obama should know. It was, after all, Sen. Obama who not so cleverly called Gov. Palin a "pig" to the delight of his supporters. (End of second letter.)

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

A Placeholder

I had a ridiculous political post up for about 2 hours tonight but it was just too pathetic to leave so I deleted it.

I have nothing on the debate. It was painful to watch (and to hear).

My quick, no-elaboration update on the Electoral College tally: McCain 274 - 264. Yes, that's a huge slide from my prior prediction.

While I'm at it, my prediction for the ALCS, NLCS and World Series:

Red Sox over Rays in 6; Dodgers over Phillies in 6; Red Sox over Dodgers in 6.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Resounding Yes to War in Iraq!

The letter:


The votes in the U.S. Congress for the war in Iraq were 296 – 133 in the House and 77 – 23 in the Senate.

The war, oddly, though, is now commonly referred to by dopey, liberal extremists as “Bush’s war of choice” which is, of course, ridiculous given the overwhelming approvals by both houses of Congress.

The votes in Congress for President Bush’s financial rescue package that was signed into law on Friday were 263 – 171 and 74 – 25 in the House and Senate, respectively (Resounding yes to bailout, October 4, A1).

I honestly cannot see how dopey, liberal extremist can give any credit for the rescue plan to Congress since fewer members in both houses of Congress voted for the rescue plan than voted for the war.

Or, exactly thirty days out from a Presidential election, I think this is a good time to remind Globe readers that there was a "resounding yes for war", too. (End of letter.)

Given the M.O. of the liberal extremists who control the media, are we to wait to see the results of the President's rescue plan before the dopes who were duped by the President are identified?

Are we to wait to see which brilliant legislators didn't ask the tough questions?

Are we to wait to see who voted against the bill before they voted for it?

One of the most stupid United States Senators in the history of the United States, Sen. John F. Kerry, voted for the President's rescue plan. Can we ask him today, just so we have him on record, if he was duped? Recall, Sen. Kerry voted for war in 2002. Recall, he's brilliant. Recall, the liberal extremists think President Bush is an idiot. Recall, 17 months after Sen. Kerry voted for war in Iraq, he said that even knowing now that Hussein didn't have weapons of mass destruction, he would have still voted for war. The line having been established, are we to wait more than 18 months before we can identify those Reps. and Senators who were right on the President's rescue plan?

Sen. Barack Obama voted for the President's rescue plan, just like he voted for the President's FISA bill. I know Sen. Obama likes to point out how often Sen. McCain votes with the President but will anyone examine on how Sen. Obama votes with the President on all the important stuff? Change we can believe in?

Friday, October 03, 2008

Palin Wins Big; Who cares?

Gov. Palin clearly out-classed Sen. Joe Biden in last night's Vice Presidential debate.

I think I saw only one "Democratic Party strategist" think not.

Forgotten now will be all the talk about "each Presidential candidate's first big decision" since Sen. McCain proved he won that battle.

If only the liberal extremists who control the media were not in the tank for Sen. Obama.