Saturday, October 25, 2008

Liberal Extremists Who Control Media will Ignore a Real News Story

A friend asked me the other day what I thought about the speculation that Sen. Barack Obama is not a US citizen and, therefore, does not meet the qualifications to be President of the United States. I told him this speculation is a non-story to me. There is no doubt in my mind that the person Sen. Obama claims to be his mother is a United States citizen and despite the technicalities of prevailing law, if Sen. Obama is the son of the woman who he claims to be his mother, then he meets the citizenship requirements to be President.

The story that the liberal extremists who control the media are neglecting is the one that very clearly tells of Sen. Obama being a member of the New Party as late as 1996. The New Party was a political party established by the Democratic Socialists of America and their own literature of the time touted Sen. Obama as a member.

Now, compare and contrast this story with the way the liberal extremists who control the media mischaracterized the prudent actions of the McCain campaign related to a female lobbyist. In his job as a United States Senator, Sen. McCain is often in the company of lobbyists, male and female. The McCain campaigned, concerned about how appearances could be grossly mischaracterized by liberal extremists who control the media, took positive action to reduce the number of contacts, especially private contacts, between Sen. McCain and one particular female lobbyist. The liberal extremists who control the media became aware of the McCain campaign’s discussions to not put Sen. McCain in situations that may be misconstrued and the extremists maliciously turned the whole story into an “affair” story: "was Sen. McCain having an affair with this lobbyist"? (Recall how the liberal extremists who control the media sat on the John Edwards affair story for over a year despite the overwhleming evidence.)

Sen. Obama was a socialist. He still may be. None of the liberal extremists who control the media care to find out. As Sen. Obama’s cozy relationship with a domestic terrorist is being ignored, so will Sen. Obama’s days as a member of the Socialist Party be ignored. As Sen. Obama’s twenty-year membership in a racist and anti-American church be ignored, so will Sen. Obama’s days as a member of the Socialist Party be ignored. As Sen. Obama’s many votes supporting President Bush are ignored, so will Sen. Obama’s days as a member of the Socialist Party be ignored. And on and on the liberal extremists who control the media will ignore every substantive and relevant story harmful to Sen. Obama.

But, expect another few days of penetrating questions from the liberal extremists who control the media on Gov. Palin’s wardrobe.

The story coming out of Ohio that state computers were illegally used to gather information on a plumber named Joe will die very quickly.

I had three after-work work events last week and one night taking my son to hockey practice so it was difficult to post. This post quickly follows a related post from yesterday; please make sure you read both.

No word yet if Rep. Jack Murth (D, PA) directed anymore hateful comments at his constituents today but the day is young and he’s full of hate so stay tuned.


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