The letter:
The votes in the U.S. Congress for the war in Iraq were 296 – 133 in the House and 77 – 23 in the Senate.
The war, oddly, though, is now commonly referred to by dopey, liberal extremists as “Bush’s war of choice” which is, of course, ridiculous given the overwhelming approvals by both houses of Congress.
The votes in Congress for President Bush’s financial rescue package that was signed into law on Friday were 263 – 171 and 74 – 25 in the House and Senate, respectively (Resounding yes to bailout, October 4, A1).
I honestly cannot see how dopey, liberal extremist can give any credit for the rescue plan to Congress since fewer members in both houses of Congress voted for the rescue plan than voted for the war.
Or, exactly thirty days out from a Presidential election, I think this is a good time to remind Globe readers that there was a "resounding yes for war", too. (End of letter.)
Given the M.O. of the liberal extremists who control the media, are we to wait to see the results of the President's rescue plan before the dopes who were duped by the President are identified?
Are we to wait to see which brilliant legislators didn't ask the tough questions?
Are we to wait to see who voted against the bill before they voted for it?
One of the most stupid United States Senators in the history of the United States, Sen. John F. Kerry, voted for the President's rescue plan. Can we ask him today, just so we have him on record, if he was duped? Recall, Sen. Kerry voted for war in 2002. Recall, he's brilliant. Recall, the liberal extremists think President Bush is an idiot. Recall, 17 months after Sen. Kerry voted for war in Iraq, he said that even knowing now that Hussein didn't have weapons of mass destruction, he would have still voted for war. The line having been established, are we to wait more than 18 months before we can identify those Reps. and Senators who were right on the President's rescue plan?
Sen. Barack Obama voted for the President's rescue plan, just like he voted for the President's FISA bill. I know Sen. Obama likes to point out how often Sen. McCain votes with the President but will anyone examine on how Sen. Obama votes with the President on all the important stuff? Change we can believe in?
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