Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sen. John S. McCain for President

There are no unimportant Presidential elections and for the liberal extremists who control the media to portray the 2008 election as any more important than the 2004, 2000 or any election prior, is simply ridiculous. All Presidential elections are important and all are of great consequence.

Accordingly, ZACKlyRight is endorsing Sen. John S. McCain for President of the United States of America.

As regular readers of ZACKlyRight know, the two primary responsibilities of the President are national security and appointing Federal judges, including the United States Supreme Court.

On matters of national security, Sen. McCain has routinely demonstrated that he understands the United States is under attack by those who hate us and those who wish to destroy us. The facts are clear, Sen. McCain was right about the surge strategy in Iraq and Sen. Obama was wrong. On the national security issue of the day, Sen. McCain got it right and Sen. Obama and Sen. Obama’s running mate, Sen. Joseph Biden, got it wrong.

Sen. Obama’s repeated insistence that he would meet with the world’s tyrants without pre-conditions is dangerously naïve given that the world’s tyrants have pre-conditions that the President would have to accept prior to any meeting. Sen. Obama simply does not get it. Sen. McCain is no wide-eyed novice when it comes to geopolitics and he will not be “played” by the world’s trouble-makers.

This page has long recognized Sen. Biden’s interest in controlling the global proliferation of nuclear weapons and the importance of safeguarding the former Soviet Union’s nuclear weapon stockpiles. ZACKlyRight trusts that a President McCain will keep an eye on this extremely important issue. No doubt, Sen. Biden will continue to be a watchdog on this very important issue . . . from his seat in the Senate.

There is a reasonable chance that the next President will appoint at least two U.S. Supreme Court Justices and as many as four . . . in his first term! A President McCain offers the very real possibility that innocent unborn human life no longer has to be subverted to a manufactured right to privacy. A President McCain offers a better possibility that constitutional rights will not be extended to foreign terrorists (while Constitutional rights are stripped from U.S. citizens). A President McCain offers a better possibility that the People will write our laws and not judge-legislators; if the people of Louisiana think a monster who rapes an 8 year-old girl should be put to death then monsters who desire to rape an 8 year-old girl should know to stay clear of Louisiana; these monsters should not be coddled by the Constitution as Sen. Obama would have the coddled.

To the extent writing legislation is important for the chief executive, Sen. McCain’s name graces too many pieces of landmark legislation to list here. Sen. Obama used his time in the Senate to not write a single piece of legislation. Sen. McCain’s name is also on legislation that failed. However, the legislation was an effort to fix what is broken. That’s called leadership. Sen. McCain has a legislative record of leadership; Sen. Obama has no record at all.

Sen. McCain has not based his campaign on his war hero credentials but those credentials cannot be ignored. Under the most extreme conditions, Sen. McCain demonstrated extraordinary bravery. ZACKlyRight contrasts Sen. McCain’s bravery with the cowardice of Sen. Obama who for two years on the campaign trail hid from every tough question.

Just quickly on Sen. McCain’s running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin. Gov. Palin has a record of accomplishment as Governor of Alaska that’s earned her the support of 80% of her constituents. She is the most popular chief executive of any state in the Union; this demonstrates the unique ability to work across party lines. Though there is not a separate election for Vice President, ZACKlyRight would endorse Gov. Palin over Sen. Joseph Biden for that office. ZACKlyRight has long championed not noticing any demographic characteristics about anybody but for the gender-obsessed, Gov. Palin is a female and for the age-obsessed, Gov. Palin is younger than Sen. Obama.

ZACKlyRight regrets the nasty, malicious, and negative tone of the Obama campaign. The ugly attacks by significant surrogates of Sen. Obama of Sen. McCain’s war record had no place in this campaign. Sen. Obama’s obscene use of the race card and the class warfare card should have been roundly condemned by the liberal extremists who control the media. Likewise, the tactics of personal destruction practiced by Sen. Obama and his surrogates should have been condemned. The personal attacks on Gov. Palin were particularly vile. America is better than the hateful and divisive campaign waged by Sen. Obama and his surrogates. National Democrats continue to display they have no shame.

ZACKlyRight does not lightly dismiss some of the talents of Sen. Obama but the Office of the President of the United States is not the office for some affirmative action experiment. ZACKlyRight encourages Sen. Obama to return to the United States Senate after his election day defeat and to try to accomplish something . . . anything, for starters.

Sen. John S. McCain is the man to lead America for at least the next 4 years.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your endorsement comes as no surprise. Your reasoning is solid and clear and I concur with most of what you've posited here. Whatever the outcome on Election Day, thanks for standing up for what is right.

6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know you're expecting it, so I'll bite -- talk about "the most inconsequential endorsement in U.S. Presidential history" . . .

10:15 PM  

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