Monday, January 26, 2009

Obama Clock 1

Days US Armed Forces have been deployed in Iraq since President Obama took office without the issuance of an order for immediate withdrawal: 7

Days US Armed Forces have been deployed in Iraq since President Obama took office and neither Rep. Jack Murtha (D, PA) nor Sen. Russ Feingold (D, WI) have called for an immediate withdrawal: 7

The family of the US Marine killed today or tomorrow in Iraq now knowing exactly the Marine's worth to the exploiters.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any comment on the terrorist on the day after his release from Gitmo is now second-in-command in Yemen? How will the parents of the US soldiers he will undoubtedly be involved in slaughtering feel when their kids come home in body bags? At least the terrorist's parents will be happy their son is no longer unlawfully detained!! Thank goodness for that Obama!!

12:54 PM  
Blogger Zack said...


The terrorist of which you speak was released by President Bush. There is no way Bush wins in this and there is no way Obama loses. Bush let a terrorist go and anyone he kills is on Bush's hands. Bush will get no credit from the al Fedaban Americans for letting a Gitmo prisoner go; he'll only get condemnation for letting someone go who killed Americans. Obama will suffer no consequence when this terrorist kills Americans (though his policies are perfectly consistent with letting this bad guy go).

Jan. 28, 6:14 pm.

6:14 PM  

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