Sunday, January 18, 2009

Obama’s Third Bush Term?

My “news”paper, the Boston Globe, published an Associated Press story yesterday heralding that President-elect Obama is “preparing to prohibit the use of water-boarding and harsh interrogation techniques” (Obama ready to block harsh interrogations, Boston Globe, January 17, A2). Buried deeper in the article is the suggestion that the “changes may not be absolute”. According to the AP, a “proposed loophole, which would come in the form of a classified annex to the manual, would satisfy intelligence officials who fear an outright ban of so-called enhanced interrogation techniques would limit the government obtaining threat information that could save American lives.”

So, President-elect Obama is reported to support the same exact policy as President Bush and the liberal extremists who control the media would have us believe President-elect Obama is doing something completely different than President Bush.

I’m reminded of how President Bush and President-elect Obama both say, “We will bring our troops home from Iraq as soon as possible but I will listen to my commanders on the ground,” and the liberal extremists who control the media would have us believe they are saying something completely opposite.

Anyway, if President Obama does decide to prosecute intelligence officers who conducted “strenuous” interrogations” precisely as ranking Democrats Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Jay Rockefeller were briefed tens of times, then I hope prosecutors begin their investigation, in an effort to save taxpayers millions and millions of dollars on a pointless prosecution, by interviewing Pelosi and Rockefeller and ask each if they think they sanctioned “torture”.

It’s a bit early, especially in light of all the railing I've done against President-elect Obama, but based on recent statements out of the Office of the President-elect regarding the wars and the retention of President Bush’s war counsel, interrogation “loop-holes”, wire-tapping terrorists, closing Guantanamo, tax cuts, President Bush’s Emergency Plan for Aids Relief in Africa, and President Bush’s faith-based initiatives, to name justs a few high-profile issues, I’m not so sure we are not about to experience a “Third Bush Term”. I write it here but I suspect it might not be too long before the extremists who helped elect Obama start using the phrase.

On one very important thing I am quite certain, though, President Obama will not mirror President Bush’s principled commitment to a culture of life. I do expect there to be a pro-abortion litmus test for any Federal judge or any U.S. Supreme Court Justice that President Obama has the opportunity to appoint.


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