Wednesday, December 24, 2008

More from the Obama Senate Seat Sale Scandal Report

My ridiculous "news"paper, the Boston Globe, reported on the Obama Senate Seat Sale Scandal by picking-up the column by Michael D. Shear of the liberally extreme Washington Post, "Obama report clears dealings with Blagojevich".

I do not have a copy of the "Report" written by President-elect Obama's incompetent in-coming White House Counsel, Gregory Craig, so I can only comment on the quotes from the "Report" as shared by Mr. Shear.

First, the incompetent Mr. Craig wrote that Mr. Rahm Emanuel had "one or two" conversations with Gov. Blagojevich (D, IL). My goodness, was it one or two? It's not like we have to know if it was five or six and I can understand the confusion there, but one or two? Recall how U.S. Attorney Fitzgerald doggedly pursued Scooter Libby for forgetting the day he told the truth about a non-criminal act? I gather Mr. Fitzgerald will have a field day with Mr. Emanuel if Mr. Emanuel testifies under oath and gives the wrong number when asked how many contacts he had with Gov. Blagojevich. I assume Mr. Fitzgerald is more competent than Mr. Craig and we'll eventually know if there was one or two contacts.

Second, the incompetent Mr. Craig wrote that Mr. Emanuel had "about four" contacts with Gov. Blagojevich's chief of staff, John Harris, to discuss Obama's open senate seat. Knowing now of Mr. Craig's incompetence, I'll concede there were only three contacts between Emanuel and Harris. Again, when this scandal broke President-elect Obama said there were "no contacts" between his transition team and Gov. Blagojevich, now the Report suggests there were at least four. What's amazing is that the contact by the transition team wasn't some low-level staffer, it was Emanuel! The number one guy! Obama wasn't aware his number one guy was talking to Blagojevich? Either Obama is lying or the relationship between the President-elect and his in-coming Chief of Staff is atrocious. Neither prospect is encouraging for Americans.

You know what, there, of course, is more to question in the "Report" but rather than cloud the key points, I'll abruptly end with this: the Report states that none of Obama's staff ever suspected that the Governor was seeking anything improper in exchange for the Senate seat. In a conference call after the Report was released, the incompetent Craig said, "No one in the Obama circle was aware of what was going on in the Governor's office or the Governor's mind UNTIL THE GOVERNOR WAS ARRESTED (Blogger's Note: all CAPS mine for emphasis). No one suspected that there was any effort to crack the circle."

No only is Craig incompetent, the entirety of the "Obama circle" is immensely stupid. Immensely. Let's hope the Obama people dealing with North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, heck, even Canada, Mexico and Israel, are not as stupid as the "circle" (who else in the circle had contact or discussed the Senate seat; maybe the media will find out; or was it a circle of one, Emanuel?) involved in the Obama Senate Seat Sale Scandal.

The letter:


In a conference call subsequent to issuing his internal report on the Obama Senate Seat Sale Scandal, the demonstrably incompetent in-coming White House Counsel Gregory Craig said, "No on in the Obama cirlce was aware of what was going on in the Governor's office or the Governor's mind until the Governor was arrested. No one suspected that there was any effort to crack the circle (italics and bold the letter writer's for emphasis) (Obama report clears dealings with Blagojevich (Whew!), December 24, A2)".

"No one" was aware? This is supposed to comfort the American people?

News flash to the "Obama circle": When you sit down with the leaders from North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, heck, even Canada, Mexico and Israel, please suspect that these leaders might be duplicitous. (End of letter to the editor.)

CORRECTION: Please know that I erred in my letter below on Obama's Cabinet, notable for its lack of diversity. If all 15 of Obama's nominees are confirmed, he will only have 3 women in his Cabinet, notable for its lack of diversity. I sent a corrected letter to the Boston Globe but there is no sense in showing the corrected letter here. Additionally, pay attention to how the liberal extremist who control the media now talk of "Cabinet level" positions in an effort to talk-up the Obama Cabinet, notable for its lack of diversity.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and keep up the good work.

3:15 PM  
Blogger Zack said...


Merry Christmas to you, too.

And just so you know, I'll continue to write about the Obama Senate Seat Sale Scandal and Obama's Cabinet, notable for its lack of diversity, as well as Obama's maintenence of Guantanamo and Obama's Vietnam until such time the liberal extremists who control the media cover them as they should.

5:21 PM  

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