Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Journalism Is Dead

The Boston Globe chose to publish three letters that basically said, "cheers", to the "news" article I addressed. Maybe my facts were too much for the Letters Editor at the Boston Globe.


In “Bush defends war in trip to Iraq (Boston Globe, November 15, A1)”, Los Angeles Times correspondents Tina Susman and Ceasar Ahmed wrote that President Bush’s words yesterday that the “war is not over” contrasted with the words he spoke aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln on May 1, 2003.


For those familiar with the full text of the President's 1,852 word speech aboard the Lincoln and not obsessed with five disingenuously cherry-picked words, we know that what President Bush actually said aboard the Lincoln was, “. . . We have difficult work to do in Iraq . . . The transition from dictatorship to democracy will take time . . . The battle of Iraq is one victory in a war on terror . . . and still goes on . . . Yet we also have dangerous work to complete. Our mission continues . . . The war on terror is not over . . . ."

Nevertheless, the lies of the liberal media continue. (End of letter to the editor.)


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