Monday, November 24, 2008

Lies We Can Believe In III

In addressing the economic downturn confronting the Country, today, President-elect Obama said, "Right now, our economy is trapped in a vicious cycle: the turmoil on Wall Street means a new round of belt-tightening for families and businesses on Main Street – and as folks produce less and consume less, that just deepens the problems in our financial markets. These extraordinary stresses on our financial system require extraordinary policy responses. And my Administration will honor the public commitments made by the current Administration to address this crisis."

His Administration is going to honor the commitments made by President Bush?

Is President-elect Obama really going to agree with President Bush on everything?

Darfur? PEPFAR? Gates? Petraeus? Faith-based initiatives? Commitments made to confront the economic downturn?

Change we can believe in?


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