Tuesday, November 11, 2008

President Barack Bush Clinton Obama

I'll keep most of my powder dry on the early rumors swirling about President-elect Obama's Cabinet members and the people he's already tasked with major responsibilities but the rumors should be very troubling . . . for the people who just elected Sen. Obama and who hate Sen. Hillary Clinton and President Bush.

First, John Podesta and Rep. Rahm Emanuel? They're Clintonistas! Change we can believe in?

Second, my ridiculous (news)paper, the Boston Globe, suggested yesterday that President Obama is considering asking Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to stay on. Gates? He was appointed by Bush! This would be change we can believe in?

Third, Gen. Colin Powell in any position in the Obama Administration? He was President Bush's Secretary of State! Gen. Powell made the case to the United Nations for war in Iraq. Change we can believe in?

Fourth, the most stupid Senator in the history of the United States, my junior Senator, Sen. John F. Kerry, is also on a short list for the top State position. Kerry voted for the war! Twenty-two months after his vote for war and 17 months after the war in Iraq started, Sen. Kerry said he woud have still voted for war if he knew at the time of the vote that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction. Change we can believe in?

Fifth, I've asked it many times here, but is President Obama going to fire Gen. David Petraeus, who won the war in Iraq, and replace him with one of the generals who supported candidate Obama but who were also fired by President Bush because they were not winning the war in Iraq? If the answer is no, that's change we can believe in?

Just some preliminary observations based on the swirling rumors.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ZR: You forgot two...The same day WSJ reported your observations there was a separate article indicating the leadership of the Intelligence apparatus will likely stay in place as well. Specifically, Mike McConnell and Mike McConnell. I guess waterboarding isn't so bad. Especially if used to enforce mandatory volunteer work by children.

Change we can believe in.

7:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ZR, love your observations. Mind if I pluck a few for a letter to my editor in my major city newspaper?

8:41 AM  
Blogger Zack said...


Please use whatever you find here in anyway you can to get your message out.

As I wrote some time ago, my ideas are the same as so many other people, that I reduced some to writing does't make them mine.

A novel is someone's unique words.

Noting that Obama is surrounding himself with Clintonistas and Bushies belongs to everyone.

Good luck.

1:09 pm; Nov. 14

1:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow...what a rookie move! Mike McConnell and General Hayden (Director CIA).

10:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you think that Obama is just following Lincoln's principle of building "a team of rivals," (to borrow from Doris Kearns Goodwin)? Hey, you have to admit Beam@Globe is right, Obama is cool. A superstar even, bigger than life. That is what really won it for him. The "idea of Barack Obama" was more of a force than the man. Check out Abrahama Obama on YouTube. "Abrahama, he can walk on air".

Also, it didn't help that McCain sacrificed his principles to the gods of having to do and say whatever he had to do and say to try to win the most votes. Too bad that what it takes to win is quite different than what it takes to lesd.

8:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make that "lead".

8:50 PM  
Blogger Zack said...


First, who did plagiarist Goodwin borrow from?

Second, I don't have to admit a many who was never tested or placed in any stressful situations is "cool". I'd be cool in America's eyes and the world's eyes if the media kept reporting I was.

I will agree that what it takes to lead is completely different than what it takes to lead. It actually takes "something" to lead and so far I've seen none of that from Sen. Obama. None of us has. To paraphrase news icon Tom Brokaw from just days before the election, "There is so much we don't know about Sen. Obama."

8:37 AM  

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