Friday, December 19, 2008

Journalism is Dead II

The Boston Globe received these today:

Under the title, How will Obama "scientists" report on innocent, unborn, human life?:


I appreciate that your news articles will continue to trumpet every single President-elect Obama act as an act of God while at the same time smearing President Bush but the "Obama chooses Harvard physicist, A restored role for scientists (December 19, A1)" article was simply too much.

President Bush censored science? Please.

I cannot wait to hear an Obama "junk scientist" tell Americans that human life does not begin until birth and until birth a unborn fetus can be destroyed at the whimsical election of the carrier. Or, if the truth is not distorted, will undeniable truth be censored?

Maybe a real journalist can recall why she went to journalism school in the first place and when given the chance, can ask Harvard physicist John P. Holdren, Obama's pick for White House science adviser, "When does human life begin?"

President Bush's stand against funding certain stem cell research is consistent with his "culture of life" principles. President Obama's pro-abortion stance is founded in no principle at all and certainly not in any "science". (End of letter to the editor.)

Under the title, Geico to sponsor New York Senate "campaign":


So, Ms. Ellen Goodman didn’t think a woman who served on a city council, who served as mayor of a small town, who served as chairwoman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission AND who served as Governor of Alaska was qualified to be Vice-President but does think a woman who raised some money for New York public schools and shook a few hands for President-elect Obama is qualified to be the next Senator from New York (Caroline Kennedy’s time has come, December 19, A19).

Maybe Geico should sponsor all U.S. Senate campaigns: The job is so easy and unimportant even Caroline Kennedy can do it.

Of course, if Ms. Kennedy makes and keeps a promise to read every National Intelligence Estimate before she votes to commit U.S. troops to war then she’ll do more than the irresponsible Senator she might replace. (End of letter to the editor.)

I copied most of my friends at the Boston Globe as well as the authors of the pieces I referenced; I'll let you know if I hear anything.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It will be Cuomo

4:55 PM  
Blogger Zack said...


I agree.

But, help me.

When you post something, tell us why you think so.

Why will it be Cuomo?

December 19, 6:26

6:27 PM  

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