Racism in South Carolina and Florida?
(The poll results cited below were as of Thursday, January 24; I am aware that Zogby produces daily updates; my contentions below would not change if the poll numbers moved a percentage point or two in any direction as of this morning.)
The latest Zogby poll (see note above!) in South Carolina in advance of the Democratic primary today shows that Whites prefer Sen. Hillary Clinton by 33% to Sens. Edwards and Obama’s 32% and 18%, respectively. Summing support for Sens. Clinton and Edwards, Whites prefer the white candidate by 65% to 18%.
South Carolina Blacks prefer Sen. Obama by 65% to 16% for Sen. Clinton.
I’m pleased to see that IF race is a factor for White and Black voters in South Carolina that it appears to affect all South Carolinians at the SAME RATE.
I’m not researching all the other demographics to see if any demographic returns a value of 65% or greater for the preferred candidate.
I have written it a thousand times here, I do not know what race is more racist, Whites or Blacks. What I do know, as I’ve written a thousand times, is that there are white racists and there are black racists.
I think the Nation has a much better chance of improving race relations if whites and blacks are equally racist. For, if either race thought their race was LESS racists than the other, then there would not be an honest National conversation on race.
If South Carolina has 200 people (consisting of Republicans and Democrats), 100 whites and 100 blacks and there are 4 white racists and 3 black racists the conversation and the national headline CANNOT be that whites are 33% more racist than blacks. That’s not the problem! The problem is there are 7 racists. Let’s get that number to less than 7.
Changing the numbers to a total of 300 South Carolinians (again, consisting of Republicans and Democrats), 200 whites and 100 blacks and there are 8 white racists and 5 black racists, the conversation CANNOT be there are 60% more white racists than black racists even though “only” 4% of whites are racist and 5% of blacks are racist. Additionally, the conversation CANNOT be blacks are more racist than whites. The conversation must be there are 13 racists, 8 white and 5 black.
Unfortunately, in the examples I give above, the national headlines would be whites are 33% more racist than blacks or that there are 60% more white racists than black. First, guilty, white, liberals who control the mainstream media would ensure that was the story; it would ease their guilt. Anyone who argued against the wrong-headed claim would be accused of being . . . . yes, you guessed it . . . a racist. Second, militant black leaders would “promote” the news, exploit it if you will, to wring more concessions from guilty, white, corporate America and fostering resentment among whites who are offended or who want to be offended. The National condition is not improved; the National conversation is dishonest.
Again, that is why I am pleased to see the latest Zoby poll suggesting that IF race is a factor for South Carolinians, it appears it is equally so. The National conversation CANNOT be pointing fingers at the more racist race.
The latest American Research Group poll in Florida (again, numbers I pulled on Thursday, January 24) in advance of Tuesday’s primary shows Whites favor Sen. Clinton by 63% over Sens. Edwards and Obama’s 17% and 15%, respectively. Again, summing Sens. Clinton and Edwards, Whites chose the white candidate 80% to 15%.
Florida Blacks favor Sen. Obama by 75% to 19% for Sen. Clinton.
Again, IF race is a factor in Florida, I’m prepared to say it is affecting the White and Black voter at the same rate.
I’m doubtful that any other demographic would return values 65% or greater as in South Carolina or 75% or greater as in Florida as race did so racism is certainly alive and well in America.
. . . and we continue to wait for an honest National conversation on race . . .
(The poll results cited below were as of Thursday, January 24; I am aware that Zogby produces daily updates; my contentions below would not change if the poll numbers moved a percentage point or two in any direction as of this morning.)
The latest Zogby poll (see note above!) in South Carolina in advance of the Democratic primary today shows that Whites prefer Sen. Hillary Clinton by 33% to Sens. Edwards and Obama’s 32% and 18%, respectively. Summing support for Sens. Clinton and Edwards, Whites prefer the white candidate by 65% to 18%.
South Carolina Blacks prefer Sen. Obama by 65% to 16% for Sen. Clinton.
I’m pleased to see that IF race is a factor for White and Black voters in South Carolina that it appears to affect all South Carolinians at the SAME RATE.
I’m not researching all the other demographics to see if any demographic returns a value of 65% or greater for the preferred candidate.
I have written it a thousand times here, I do not know what race is more racist, Whites or Blacks. What I do know, as I’ve written a thousand times, is that there are white racists and there are black racists.
I think the Nation has a much better chance of improving race relations if whites and blacks are equally racist. For, if either race thought their race was LESS racists than the other, then there would not be an honest National conversation on race.
If South Carolina has 200 people (consisting of Republicans and Democrats), 100 whites and 100 blacks and there are 4 white racists and 3 black racists the conversation and the national headline CANNOT be that whites are 33% more racist than blacks. That’s not the problem! The problem is there are 7 racists. Let’s get that number to less than 7.
Changing the numbers to a total of 300 South Carolinians (again, consisting of Republicans and Democrats), 200 whites and 100 blacks and there are 8 white racists and 5 black racists, the conversation CANNOT be there are 60% more white racists than black racists even though “only” 4% of whites are racist and 5% of blacks are racist. Additionally, the conversation CANNOT be blacks are more racist than whites. The conversation must be there are 13 racists, 8 white and 5 black.
Unfortunately, in the examples I give above, the national headlines would be whites are 33% more racist than blacks or that there are 60% more white racists than black. First, guilty, white, liberals who control the mainstream media would ensure that was the story; it would ease their guilt. Anyone who argued against the wrong-headed claim would be accused of being . . . . yes, you guessed it . . . a racist. Second, militant black leaders would “promote” the news, exploit it if you will, to wring more concessions from guilty, white, corporate America and fostering resentment among whites who are offended or who want to be offended. The National condition is not improved; the National conversation is dishonest.
Again, that is why I am pleased to see the latest Zoby poll suggesting that IF race is a factor for South Carolinians, it appears it is equally so. The National conversation CANNOT be pointing fingers at the more racist race.
The latest American Research Group poll in Florida (again, numbers I pulled on Thursday, January 24) in advance of Tuesday’s primary shows Whites favor Sen. Clinton by 63% over Sens. Edwards and Obama’s 17% and 15%, respectively. Again, summing Sens. Clinton and Edwards, Whites chose the white candidate 80% to 15%.
Florida Blacks favor Sen. Obama by 75% to 19% for Sen. Clinton.
Again, IF race is a factor in Florida, I’m prepared to say it is affecting the White and Black voter at the same rate.
I’m doubtful that any other demographic would return values 65% or greater as in South Carolina or 75% or greater as in Florida as race did so racism is certainly alive and well in America.
. . . and we continue to wait for an honest National conversation on race . . .
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