Friday, January 25, 2008

Mr. Dan Payne Really is an Idiot

First, earlier this week, Rep. Duncan Hunter endorsed a moderate Republican, Gov. Mike Huckabee, for President. I don’t understand this at all; maybe it coincides with the conservative media establishment taking gratuitous shots at Gov. Romney, but I cannot imagine someone like Rep. Hunter being part of an ugly anti-Romney campaign. I don’t know anything about Rep. Hunter’s prior dealings with Gov. Huckabee so maybe there is an honest, personal reason for the candidate with the most bona fide conservative credentials not endorsing the candidate with the second most bona fide conservative credentials. Obviously, I was wrong about an earlier prediction and I’m very disappointed by the endorsement. I still believe, of the incredibly small number of Rep. Hunter supporters, more of us will now support Gov. Romney than any other candidate.

As I wrote just a few days ago, Mr. Dan Payne, another hate-monger now employed by the Boston Globe, is an idiot.

Here is how Mr. Payne began his January 24, 2008 column questioning Sen. Barack Obama, “I want to know more about Obama. And I want to know it now, not in the fall when the Republicans and their thugs in the ‘independent’ groups start slinging the sludge.”

Thugs? Wow. I can feel the national reconciliation already.

Idiot Payne’s defense of Sen. Hillary Clinton from the same column, “We know a lot about Hillary Clinton: Whitewater, filegate, cattle futures, the Chinese dishwashers who wrote checks for $500 and $2,000 to her campaign, the money from Ponzi schemer Norman Hsu, the $100,000 to her Senate campaign from a sleazy marketing operator in Nebraska, who paid her husband $2 million for unspecified "consulting services. As a result, we know they can take a bullet. And new revelations won't shatter anyone's illusions about the Clintons.”

Idiot Payne conveniently forgets the miraculously appearing Rose Law Firm billing records that were under subpoena for two years before they appeared on the First Lady's nightstand and Travelgate.

Anyway, we’re not looking for a yard captain at San Quentin, we’re looking for a President of the United States. Someone should let Idiot Payne know.

As President Clinton forced parents to prematurely explain oral sex to their 10 and 11 year old daughters (what a legacy!), will parents now have to explain what a "shiv" is if Sen. Clinton is elected President?

I can feel the national reconciliation already.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. Bill Clinton will unite us! Awesome post Zacklyright. You had me howling with shiv.

10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What exactly is a shiv?? I'm embarrassed to plead ignorance here, but this joke went zooming over my head like a rocket. But, I did enjoy the rest of the post quite a bit.

6:18 PM  
Blogger Zack said...


shiv: n. Slang; A knife, razor, or other sharp or pointed implement, especially one used as a weapon.

It's the preferred weapon in prison. Prisoners can fashion a shiv out of ANYTHING . . . a toothbursh filed down by the cinder block wall for example. Some duct tape for the other and you have a nice weapon.

When you're out in the yard and being moved on, you're the only one in the yard that doesn't know.

10:21 PM  

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