Saturday, January 19, 2008

Anti-Romney Undercurrent – Is it Bigotry?

Mr. Dan Payne, who occasionally writes commentary for the Boston Globe, attaches the following bio to the end of his columns:

“Dan Payne is a Boston-area media consultant who has worked for Democratic candidates around the country.”

The bio should read:

“Dan Payne is an idiot.”

Let me start my post on the anti-Romney undercurrent sweeping the Nation with a line from Mr. Payne’s January 10, 2008 post-mortem on the New Hampshire primaries (What N. H. taught us, Boston Globe), in explaining Sen. Clinton’s win, Mr. Payne wrote, “She won Democrats by more than 11 points.” Wow, winning your Party’s members must be important.

Later, the idiot wrote, “(Gov.) Mitt (Romney) is dislikeable and dead.” Recall, Sen. John McCain won New Hampshire.

As promised, I found the Entrance Poll results for the New Hampshire primary. Here’s what I found:

Of those who identified themselves as Republicans, Gov. Romney beat Sen. McCain by 35% to 34%. Now, I’m not going to make a huge point of the 1 point, but the facts are that New Hampshire Republicans preferred Gov. Romney over Sen. McCain. The Idiot was unimpressed.

Mr. Payne thinks Sen. Clinton rocked and rolled the Democrats but Gov. Romney is dead because he won the Republican vote?

Of course, New Hampshire has “open primaries” so anyone can vote in a Republican primary. Yes, those dopey New Hampshire Republicans allow people that don’t belong to the Party, namely Independents, to impact who their Party will nominate for President of the United States of America.

Looking way back to the Wyoming caucuses, yes, for those who are as unaware as the national media, including the conservative pundits, Wyoming had a caucus on January 5 and Gov. Romney handily won that caucus. I only mention because 62% of the STATE are Republicans so, there, members of the Republican Party decided who should receive 60% of the delegates up for grabs. Oh, did I mention the Caucus that the Establishment Forgets was for 16% MORE delegates than the Can’t-Stop-Mentioning NH primary.

I have the Exit Poll results for Michigan; the most relevant stat to mention is that 68% of those polled identified themselves as Republicans. Of this group, so of the group that actually belong to the Republican Party, Gov. Romney won 41% of the vote. Sen. McCain trailed badly at 27% and Gov. Huckabee was worse still at 17%.

Another Michigan stat worth mentioning is that 56% of Republican primary voters identified themselves as Conservative. Of this group, Gov. Romney won 41% of the vote. Sen. McCain only got 23% and Gov. Huckabee an embarrassing 20%.

My (news)paper, the Boston Globe, is now running daily editorials and columns with gratuitous attacks on Gov. Romney. I’m not going to cite each one, this post would be 2,000 words if I did. But, according to the Boston Globe, Gov. Romney is the only candidate running for President who is “pandering”. When Sen. Clinton says African-Americans in prison “should not be in prison” she’s “taking a bona fide campaign position”. When Sen. Clinton is addressing Hispanics in Nevada and says, “All of our problems are interconnected, but we treat them as if one were guacamole and one were chips," she's "connecting with voters". And I could go on. Every other day Sens. Clinton and Obama are in a Church but they clearly are not “pandering”. They’re doing something but surely it’s not pandering. Even conservative pundit Bill Kristol has accused Gov. Romney of pandering.

I completely understand the liberal extremist demonization of Gov. Romney; he’s the most formidable candidate in the General. I don’t understand the conservative establishment playing along. I plead ignorant on something political for the first time in my life; if another conservative can explain it to me, please enlighten me.

So, in summary:

Gov. Romney could not “win” in Michigan with the pundits. It was his “home” state, after all. NO credit for winning your home state.

Gov. Romeny did not win in Wyoming. If EVERYONE ignores it happened, it didn’t happen, I guess.

Gov. Romney cannot win in Nevada, it’s full of Mormons, you know. No credit for benefiting from religious affiliation. Hey, how did Gov. Huckabee win Iowa? Who’s going to drive the vote in South Carolina? Will the explanation for the victor in South Carolina be as dismissed as the Nevada victory will be for Gov. Romney? Let’s keep our eyes and ears open and find out.

The only states that apparently count this primary season are just the states Gov. Romney does not win.

To wit, the Boston Globe headline the day after New Hampshire was, “McCain trounces Romney”. The spread was 37% - 32%. The headline after Romney won Michigan 39% - 30% over Sen. McCain was, “Romney bounces back with big win in Michigan”.

Gov. Romney has banked more than twice as many delegates to date than his closest competitor. According to CNN, Gov. Romney has 49 delegates with Gov. Huckabee trailing badly at 19 and Sen. McCain at 15. Oooh, maybe Gov. Romney should drop out of the race!

There are only 24 delegates up for grabs in South Carolina; there are 34 in Nevada, let’s see which state gets more attention.

Gov. Romney’s “losses” are being magnified; his wins ignored or dismissed. I’m still not prepared to indict the media establishment for anti-Mormon bigotry but I don’t have a second motive at this time.

Oh, and Dan Payne is still an idiot.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mitt! Mitt! Mitt! Mitt!

4:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cannot explain why conservatives won't embrace him, either. Overall, he's the best chance Republicans have at retaining the White House and I agree that that is exactly why the Dems. trash him, because they know its true.

3:27 PM  

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