Thursday, January 10, 2008

Something Stinks and My Last 3 Letters to the Boston Globe

Below, on January 4, I wrote, “I did hear some commentary by conservative pundits that startled me for its heavy anti-Romney slant. I'll keep my ears open during the New Hampshire coverage to see if there is some ugly undertone brewing. I'm not prepared to indict anyone yet.”

I simply do not have time to investigate it tonight but there is definitely something malicious occurring against Gov. Romney. He leads the Republican delegate count and he’s being pronounced dead by the liberal media and even conservative pundits are still taking veiled shots at him.

I saw the New Hampshire primary exit poll results a few days ago and it’s going to take time for me to find them now and cobble together a post but know that of the people who voted in the New Hampshire primary who self-identified as “Republican”, Gov. Romney won the most votes.

My last three letters to the Boston Globe; none really need any set-up:

In response to the Boston Globe’s juvenile endorsement of Sen. Barack Obama in Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary, I submitted the following letter to the Boston Globe:


In the 179 words used to specifically endorse Sen. Barack Obama in the New Hampshire primary, you only highlighted two of the Senator’s policy positions, “He has worked hard for nuclear nonproliferation and . . . he is the only candidate consistently mentioning the genocide in Darfur (Still Obama and McCain, editorial, January 8).”

It is strange then that President Bush does not enjoy more support from the Boston Globe as, without firing an single shot, he orchestrated the dismantling of Libya’s nuclear weapons program (January, 2004) and he induced Iran to discontinue it’s nuclear weapons program, according to the latest NIE on the matter, in 2003. There's still work to be done regarding North Korea but through diplomacy, and with the cooperation of our allies in Southeast Asia, there is progress being made there as well.

Additionally, President Bush, breaking with the gutless United Nations, was the first national leader to call Darfur a genocide (June, 2005). I’m sure President Bush appreciates Sen. Obama’s support on this issue. (End of first letter.)

The subject of my email was, “Sen. Barack George Bush Obama”.

Ms. Joan Vennochi and I exchanged two emails before she penned another anti-Romney piece.


You have to love the Boston Globe for its extraordinary chutzpah.

Yesterday, columnist Ms. Joan Vennochi had published her second straight attack on Gov. Mitt Romney; wow, he really must be horrible (Looking for the GOP change agent in N.H., January 6, D9)!

Anyway, in the attack-piece she noted Gov. Romney " . . . scooped up weaker companies and flipped them for big profits after firing employees . . . . "

Flash back to January 11, 2007, not even one year ago, when Boston Globe employees were greeted with the spine-straightening news that their fearful leader, editor Mr. Martin Baron, was out of town when he announced Christmas-season job cuts at the Boston Globe.

"I’d like to apologize for being out of town and unable to speak with you personally about today’s announcement regarding the reduction in staff. I had expected to be in the newsroom when the announcement was made," he wrote employees in an icy-cold letter.

Yeah, we all get it; the liberally extreme Boston Globe can observe the absolute rules of a market economy but a Republican Presidential candidate dare not. (End of second letter.)

I kid you not, I blind copied Mr. Martin Baron on the letter and he graciously exchanged two emails with me. Don’t be surprised if a Boston Globe reporter asks Senator Clinton about her husband’s cruise-missile strikes to knock out Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction or, if elected, will she fire Gen. David Petraeus.



Since no Massachusetts voters ever believed Gov. Romney was pro-abortion and no such voter ever voted a particular way because of this belief, the Boston Globe's crusade to convince voters he was pro-abortion is astonishing for its relentlessness (Romney officials approved clinic loan, December 29, A1).

Or, maybe pro-abortion voters will feel perfectly comfortable voting for Gov. Romney in the 2008 Presidential election based on the Globe's outstanding work? (End of third letter.)


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