Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Time to Crow a Little

On December 14, 2007 and January 14, 2008 (today is January 23) I told you that the order the Republican candidates for President would drop off would be Rep. Duncan Hunter then Sen. Fred Thompson. Yes, the Rep. Hunter prediction was not terribly difficult to make, though no one else was making it, but absolutely nobody was predicting Sen. Thompson would follow as early as I was predicting it. No, it never gets old being ZACKlyRight.

Also, on December 14, I wrote, “The reason why Gov. Romney is going to get the Republican nomination, and therefore be elected President, is because he will gain the most as we move through the primary process and the second and third tier candidates start to lose their support.”

Last night (so, on January 22) on Hannity and Colmes, Speaker Newt Gingrich said that Gov. Romney would benefit the most in Florida (there’s a primary in Florida next Tuesday) because of Sen. Thompson leaving the race. Yes, NOW all the national pundits are saying what I’ve been writing for weeks. No, it never gets old being ZACKlyRight.

On January 4, I wrote, “I did hear some commentary by conservative pundits that startled me for it's heavy anti-Romney slant. I'll keep my ears open during the New Hampshire coverage to see if there is some ugly undertone brewing. I'm not prepared to indict anyone yet.”

On January 10, I wrote, “I simply do not have time to investigate it tonight but there is definitely something malicious occurring against Gov. Romney. He leads the Republican delegate count and he’s being pronounced dead by the liberal media and even conservative pundits are still taking veiled shots at him.”

And, I pretty much devoted my entire January 19 and 21 posts to the anti-Romney under-current.

Today, January 23, Mr. Jay Severin, he the ruler of talk radio drive time here in Boston (96.9 WTKK) and yesterday morning’s guest on the Imus in the Morning show because of his political astuteness, took up the anti-Romney bias theme in full-force. Mr. Severin indicted the national media, print and television. No, it never gets old being ZACKlyRight.

If you want to know next month’s news today, read ZACKlyRight. If you can wait until the news actually happens, then let me suggest you learn about it by reading the Boston Globe or any other major newspaper, listening to the Imus in the Morning program or Mr. Jay Severin, or watching Hannity and Colmes.

More on Florida

Hey, how does Gov. Huckabee think he’s going to win Florida in the General, a state he must have to win the Oval, if he’s not contesting it in the primaries? See, how it works. Since Gov. Huckabee is not heavily contesting Florida, he can’t lose! Oh, the brilliance (see second paragraph, January 21, post)!

Twisted Liberal Logic on the November 2006 Elections

Liberal idiots are running around the country saying that the improvements in Iraq are due to their election success in November 2006. Their reasoning is: the elections were a loud and clear message to the Iraqis that the U.S. presence in Iraq was fast coming to an end so they better get their act together.

The U.S. economy started to tank at roughly the same time things started to improve in Iraq.

!!!!On July 20, 2007!!!! I wrote, “I don't know how many trillions of dollars of personal wealth has been created as the Dow, the S&P 500, the Russell 2000, the Wilshire 5000 and every other measure of stock performance has cruised past previous highs, but I'm sure every American is benefiting. Thank you, President Bush.

If you are planning to vote for any national Democrat next year, I suggest you start transitioning your portfolio into cash. If Democrats gain in Congress or take the White House, capital gains tax rates are going to rise as Democrats think your money is their money so as they raise taxes, the market will fall.”

Hmmm, do you think the American electorate is more aware of American politics than the Iraqi electorate?

Do you think the liberal idiots who think their election in 2006 is responsible for the improvements in Iraq think their election in 2006 is responsible for the tanking economy?

On December 7, 2007, I was 100% invested in cash, not an equity to be seen.

No, it never, ever gets old being ZACKlyRight.


Blogger Zack said...

January 24 - Rep. Duncan Hunter endorsed Gov. Mike Huckabee today. Just wanted everyone to know. I'm a stand-up guy; I'll put this in my next post so those that don't read the Comments will know.

6:10 PM  

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