Kerry Always Wins in Boston Globe!
The Great Equivocator and political coward, Sen. John F. Kerry, was praised today in the Boston Globe in two different articles.
In the first, he was lauded for submitting a bill (23 years in the Senate and he finally submitted a bill!) that would ease the transition of U.S. troops returning to the workforce after serving abroad . . . as he should have been lauded. But, hey, John, where have you been for 23 years?
In the second, he was portrayed as the "victim" of the Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth. A man, Mr. Sam Fox, was nominated (nomination since withdrawn by the White House; can't wait to see this explanation) for an ambassador position to Belgium. It seems Mr. Fox donated $50,000 to 295 Vietnam veterans in 2004 so that the voice of these Vietnam veterans could be heard. A man helped U.S. Armed Forces veterans be heard and he's a bad guy?! This is outrageous!
The letter:
Is the irony lost on everyone but me that on the same day the Boston Globe can publish a story praising Sen. Kerry for submitting legislation (there's a first!) to expand Federal business assistance to veterans returning from war (Kerry seeks business loans for veterans, March 28, A2) and publish a story portraying Sen. Kerry favorably in a story where a man lost his chance for an ambassadorship for supporting 295 Vietnam veterans who defended themselves against the attacks of Sen. Kerry's 1971 Senate testimony (Kerry targets ambassadorial bid of Swift Boat benefactor, March 28, A5).
It's not too ridiculous to ask, do veterans have to denounce the Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth to get Federal assistance under Sen. Kerry's bill? (End of letter.)
The Great Equivocator and political coward, Sen. John F. Kerry, was praised today in the Boston Globe in two different articles.
In the first, he was lauded for submitting a bill (23 years in the Senate and he finally submitted a bill!) that would ease the transition of U.S. troops returning to the workforce after serving abroad . . . as he should have been lauded. But, hey, John, where have you been for 23 years?
In the second, he was portrayed as the "victim" of the Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth. A man, Mr. Sam Fox, was nominated (nomination since withdrawn by the White House; can't wait to see this explanation) for an ambassador position to Belgium. It seems Mr. Fox donated $50,000 to 295 Vietnam veterans in 2004 so that the voice of these Vietnam veterans could be heard. A man helped U.S. Armed Forces veterans be heard and he's a bad guy?! This is outrageous!
The letter:
Is the irony lost on everyone but me that on the same day the Boston Globe can publish a story praising Sen. Kerry for submitting legislation (there's a first!) to expand Federal business assistance to veterans returning from war (Kerry seeks business loans for veterans, March 28, A2) and publish a story portraying Sen. Kerry favorably in a story where a man lost his chance for an ambassadorship for supporting 295 Vietnam veterans who defended themselves against the attacks of Sen. Kerry's 1971 Senate testimony (Kerry targets ambassadorial bid of Swift Boat benefactor, March 28, A5).
It's not too ridiculous to ask, do veterans have to denounce the Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth to get Federal assistance under Sen. Kerry's bill? (End of letter.)