Sunday, March 04, 2007

Congratulations to ZACKlyRight and the site's Participants

I didn't know March 7 was the anniversary of the Bloody Sunday civil rights march in Selma, Alabama. Yet, my last post started a great conversation about African-Americans taking more responsibility for their own lives.

Today, March 4, to mark the Selma anniversary, Sen. Barack Obama spoke in Selma and said, black parents have to "turn off the television set and put away the Game Boy and make sure that you're talking to your teacher and that we get over the anti-intellectualism that exists in some of our communities where if you conjugate your verbs and if you read a book that somehow means you are acting white."

Well, as one commentor in the prior post introduced the concept of "too white", let's see how the militant black establishment reacts to Sen. Obama. Let's see if he's as marginalized, criticized, and dismissed as Mr. Bill Cosby was.

Oh, and whites are about 80.2% of the U.S. population. The national media spends a ridiculous amount of time reporting on a self-absorbed, hotel-chain, heiress and a deceased Playboy playmate . . . all because a huge number of the 80.2% must tune-in to these stories. The reader can make up their own mind about the collective intelligence of whites.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who's being racist now? Why can't black people be as interested in Paris Hilton and Anna Nicole Smith as white people? Easy, boy- you're out of line here.

8:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Of course, other races could be interested. They are not driving the wall-to-wall coverage, though. My point was that whites were driving the wall-to-wall coverage.

And, just so everyone is clear, I think you can watch a segment or two of this stuff as from a human interest perspective and be clear of my insinuation.

I do think if you don't know where London is; who the current US VP is; what the square of 3 is; when to use they're, their and there; but do know the name of Anna's first husband, then there might be a problem.

10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like Obama may vey well be dismissed by the black power brokers. Neither Sharpton nor Jackson have declared a favorite candidate yet. And both have strongly suggested that skin color shouldn't matter (at least in this election). If they truly believe that, great. But if they are saying that just to save face for distancing themselves from him, then shame on them. I have to question Sharpton's true intentions when he has a problem with Obama's geneology, that is, that he did not descend from slaves. As one columinst put it, "blackness" doesn't mean skin color so much as oppression. So when people wonder if Obama is black enough, they're really questioning whether he was oppressed enough. Does he think like a person whose great grandparents were slaves and whose ancestors forward were treated as inferior? Personally, I cannot buy into that line of thought but many influential blacks do and will throughout the election. I disagree that one has to directly suffer oppression to know that, inherently, it is wrong.

1:05 PM  
Blogger Zack said...


I quote directly from Mr. Juan Williams' book, Enough, page 47, "Somehow, 'blood of martyrs' remains the anthem of black politics at the start of the twenty-first century. Black politics is still defined by events that took place forty years ago. Protest marches are reenacted again and again as symbolic exercises to the point that they have lost their power to achieve change. As a result, black politics is paralyzed in synchronized salute and tribute, by any mention of the martyrs, the civil-rights workers who died violent deaths at the hands of racists. The major national black politicians invoke these icons and perform shallow reenactments of the powerful marches of the movement as hypnotic devices to control their audiences. And if people try to break the spell by suggesting we move beyond those ancient heroes and tired tactics, they are put down with language that implicates them as tools of the white establishment, reactionaries who've 'forgotten their roots'. Race traitors.

"So far, the 'blood of martyrs' strategy has had tragic results for the progress of poor black people, but it has worked magnificently for a few national black politicians. Prominent leaders like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, neither of whom has ever won an election or held public office, have - through the force of their personalities and rhetoric, and the limitations of their ideas and strategies - slowed the emergence of any new model of national black leadership . . . ."

Everone please go to your newspaper from today and see if there is not a picture on page 1 above the fold of exactly the reenactment of which Mr. Williams wrote. Of course there is; liberal, white, guilt (they control the print media, after all) acknowledging the tired tactics of yesterday's militant black leadership.

Oh, one more Sen. Obama quote, he said that current generations of blacks need to take responsibility for improving their lives by rejecting violence, cleaning up "40 ounce bottles" and other trash that litters urban neighborhoods; and voting, instead of complaining that the government is not helping them. "How can it be that our voting rates dropped to 30, 40, 50 percent when people shed their blood to allow us to vote?"

Finally, and I'll probably repeat this every few posts or comments when we discuss race, just a few definitions: Racism is, as similarly defined by three sites I just check, a form of discrimination based on race, especially the belief that one race is superior to another. A racist is defined as a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others. We'll revisit these definitions as often as we need to if I, or anyone else, appears to misuse either the word "racism" or "racist".

5:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't get your commentary about the whites, either. I reject that whites are "driving the wall-to-wall coverage". Perhaps most whites are working during the day and the unemployed minorities are tuning in 24/7 to the coverage of the Smith case. How do you know for sure? In fact,outside the FL courtroom the majority in the large crowd were Hispanics voicing their opinions and awaiting the verdict.Although you may be correct in your assertion,you shouldn't state it as fact and insult an entire race. Why do you feel the need to pander to the non-whites?

4:41 PM  

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