Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Super Quick Seven-fer

This started as a "super quick two-fer" but I had to keep adding to it.

1. Ms. Harriet Meirs

Loyal readers of this space know how I'm always trumpeting the huge number of women that President Bush has in significant positions in his Administration. Well, one name that I always forgot to put on the super-long list was Ms. Harriet Meirs, his former White House Counsel who recently resigned. My point is, the list is super-long and then some.

Somewhat related, NOW (is it even relevant anymore?) and the other radical, non-mainstream, women's groups don't care about President Bush's recognition of so many talented (and selfless!) women because the President's culture of life belief offends their culture of death belief.

2. The Great Equivocator

The Great Equivocator missed the first substantive vote (January 26, 2007; on the nomination of Lt. Gen. David H. Petraeus) on matters in Iraq subsequent to his announcement that he would spare us the joke of a 2008 presidential campaign and that he instead would fight, fight, fight, to end the war in Iraq.

Again, loyal readers of this space, in unison, What . . . a . . . political . . . coward!

3. Mr. "Scooter" Libby

Prosecuted for forgetting what day he told the truth. The target of an unbelievable waste of the taxpayer's money.

4. Mr. Joseph Wilson

Wrongly portrayed as "an outspoken critic of the war in Iraq". He gained all his information as an agent of the Bush Administration. How he gets to choose when he releases that information to the public and not the President is beyond me. Who elected Joe? To anything? Exactly. Nobody.

5. Dixie Chicks

As President Bush said after the Dixie Chicks said they were "ashamed" of him while performing in London, they were and are free to say whatever they want "that's the great thing about America that stands in stark contast to Iraq (pre-liberation)." I don't know why the liberal extremists are so intolerant of my right and so many others' right to not buy a Dixie Chicks album. We are truly given the impression that if liberal extremists could, they would force us to buy a Dixie Chicks album.

6. Donald Rumsfeld

"The architect of the war in Iraq" so says the liberal media establishment. Then, almost immediately, in any hate-Bush column or article or news story, the liberal media establishment has to make some silly observation about "how few served in the military" in the Bush Administration.

Hmmm, but what of the liberal media establishments' boogie man, Mr. Rumsfeld? Mr. Rumsfeld served in the United States Navy from 1954 - 1957 as a fighter pilot (he was NROTC at Princeton University). He continued to serve his country by wearing the uniform as a Reservist until 1975. As a Reservist, he trained other fighter pilots. That's 21 years in uniform. You'll never hear a liberal extremist acknowledge this. Facts usually have a way of discrediting any argument or point they are trying to make.

Mr. Rumsfeld was born in 1932; yes, I think the liberal extremists would argue his birth date was a clever Republican conspiracy so he wouldn't have to serve in WWII.

7. Gov. Mitt Romney

The next President of the United States of America (uh . . . if it's not Rudy . . . or McCain).


Blogger Zack said...

Real quickly on 7., I retract the parenthetical expression. It comes across as a hedge instead of humourous as I intended and I don't want to be unclear on this.

Also, just as I nailed the November elections (Republicans will hold both Houses) and the last U.S. Supreme Court nominee (Emilio Garza), I'm pretty confident I'll nail this, too.

I invite all who get to this comment to make their own February 2007 prediction.

And, if anyone thinks I'm wrong about anything in this post or any other post, please, feel free to introduce some facts that support your position.

12:26 PM  

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