Wednesday, January 17, 2007

How did Sen. Barack Hussein Obama vote?

Yesterday, when Sen. Obama emailed me (recall, long ago I registered for his email list so I would know what his policy positions were rather than getting caught up in his skin color like so many guilty, white, liberals) his intention to create a presidential exploratory committee, I sent the following letter to the Boston Globe:


On one of the first two pages of this morning's paper, there is no doubt an article announcing that Sen. Barack Obama has announced the formulation of a presidential exploratory committee.

In order to know more about the man, this is a public request to all of the correspondents and writers of the Boston Globe who may one day interview the Senator to ask him if he voted for former Ku Klux Klan member, Sen. Robert Byrd for President Pro Tempore of the Senate when the Senate Democrats elected Sen. Byrd to that position late last year. I also request that the correspondents or writers ask the appropriate follow-up questions to Sen. Barack's "yes" or "no" answer. (End of first letter.)

Naturally, the Globe didn't print the letter.

I'll forward the letter to the correspondent that did the story and let you know how she responds; she has answered all of my emails in great detail in the past, she will not pass up the chance to address this issue.

In yesterday's Boston Globe, their was a column on the prospects of Vice President Al Gore entering the 2008 Presidential contest. I wrote the following letter in response (I blind-copied the author and he sent me a nice thank you note):

(Super-novelty: short version or long version at the discretion of the Letters Editor. My creativity knows no bounds (yes, I actually wrote this as an introduction to my letter)!


Since those that hate Gov. Mitt Romney always dismiss the outstanding job he did organizing the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympic Games, I'm sure Gov. Romney is hoping like the dickens that Vice President Al Gore gives it another go for the Oval Office (Another chance for Gore?, January 16, A9).

Recall, Vice President Al Gore had responsibility for just security at the 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympic Games and he failed miserably. (End Short Version)

But, given how our profoundly liberal media convinced so many that Rep. Mark Foley's (R, FL) sexually explicit emails to a 17 year-old page were worse than Rep. Gerry Studds (D, MA) actually having sex with a 17 year-old page, or how the same liberal media convinced so many that Sen. Robert Packwood's trading of sloppy kisses with a female subordinate was worse than President Clinton receiving oral sex from a female subordinate, or how the same liberal media gave Sen. John F. Kerry a pass on calling our troops stupid but did not give Sen. George Allen a pass for his "bad joke" then maybe Gov. Romney is not in such a hurry to see how the liberal media will twist the facts about providing Olympic Game security. (End Long Version)

Title if Long Version is chosen: Romney: Run, Gore, Run! Not! (End of second letter.)

Of course, I could have added something about Sen. Trent Lott saying something nice to Sen. Strom Thurmond on Thurmond's 100th birthday and former KKK member Sen. Byrd being elected President Pro Tempore of the Senate by Senate Democrats to the second letter but I don't want people to know how much I just love typing President Pro Tempore.


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