I left the prior post up for a week because I wanted as many people to see it as possible. The denigration of men who served on swift boats and men and women that currently serve on swift boats has to stop.
The letter I wrote to the Boston Globe this morning:
In his story on immigration reform, Mr. Rick Klein was miserably mistaken when he wrote, "But the newly elected Congress that will convene in January will be distinctly more friendly to the guest-worker plan. With Republicans losing control of the House and Senate, the strongest anti-immigration voices will be in the minority instead of the majority."
Of course, the second sentence should have read, " . . . the strongest anti-illegal-immigration voices . . . . "
Though I fully expect the editorial pages of the Boston Globe to grossly mischaracterize the Republican Party for the purpose of further dividing the Country, I think such mischaracterizations should not appear in an article intending to pass as a news story. (End of letter.)
In an effort to get published, I toned down this letter from my usual, mocking tone. Specifically, I didn't spend time working in the concept that the Democrats will be "the strongest pro-illegal-immigration voices" though I think that's as logical a mischaracterization as the one offered by the Boston Globe on Republicans. Anyway, let's see what happens.
I left the prior post up for a week because I wanted as many people to see it as possible. The denigration of men who served on swift boats and men and women that currently serve on swift boats has to stop.
The letter I wrote to the Boston Globe this morning:
In his story on immigration reform, Mr. Rick Klein was miserably mistaken when he wrote, "But the newly elected Congress that will convene in January will be distinctly more friendly to the guest-worker plan. With Republicans losing control of the House and Senate, the strongest anti-immigration voices will be in the minority instead of the majority."
Of course, the second sentence should have read, " . . . the strongest anti-illegal-immigration voices . . . . "
Though I fully expect the editorial pages of the Boston Globe to grossly mischaracterize the Republican Party for the purpose of further dividing the Country, I think such mischaracterizations should not appear in an article intending to pass as a news story. (End of letter.)
In an effort to get published, I toned down this letter from my usual, mocking tone. Specifically, I didn't spend time working in the concept that the Democrats will be "the strongest pro-illegal-immigration voices" though I think that's as logical a mischaracterization as the one offered by the Boston Globe on Republicans. Anyway, let's see what happens.
Ah, toning down the rhetoric, bringing focus to your fervor, trying to persuade rather than simply venting and receiving the congratulations of like-minded souls (it's a bit of a scary thought to think any such people exist) . . . I see that my work is finally starting to pay dividends.
P.S. To quote the late Phil Hartman's caricature of Ed McMahon, as far as today's post, "you are correct, sir."
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