Monday, November 20, 2006

Support ALL U.S. Veterans!

Mr. Alex Beam of the Boson Globe interviewed me last week for a story that was published in the Boston Globe today. The story was on people who write letters to the editor. I think I qualify.

As this may be my single most viewed post to-date, of all the issues I've written so brilliantly (Kerry, especially on 5/1/05 and 5/2/05; improving race-relations, especially on 12/14/05 and 8/6/06; the slaughter of innocent human life, especially on 11/05/05; 4/25/06 and 7/30/06; or the war, as I did so prophetically, on 8/23/05, and 4/30/06), I choose to write a post today on a topic very important to me; but just a brief post so the message is not lost.

Sen. John F. Kerry, Rep. Jack Murtha and every other disgusting politician that uses the term "swift boating" as a negative must stop doing so.

I have written this so many times in this space, I know the regular readers are tired of reading it, but the denigration of 294 brave men who have won so many decorations for valor and service to Our Country MUST stop; these men deserve better from Sen. Kerry, Rep. Murtha, and, quite honestly, the liberal media.

ALL veterans that want to be heard deserve to be heard without being so nastily ridiculed.

That Rep. Murtha used the phrase just last week to describe Democrats that subverted his effort to be elected House Majority Leader was simply vile.

Do Sen. Kerry and Rep. Murtha know, or even care, that brave woman and men still operate swift boats in the U.S. Navy? Why have national Democrats so perverted the service these sailors perform today?

For other posts on the military and veterans, please see 12/1/05; 2/12/06; 2/14/06; 2/28/06; 4/15/06 and 4/22/06.

And, I have already (it's 5:14 in the morning!) fixed the grammar error in my banner so anyone reading the Beam story and now looking for the mistake will not see it. Thank you, Alex.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

a sloppy post but considering you were writing it at 4:45 this morning i'll give you a pass.

i love the sentiment. swift-boating should not be an ugly word.

5:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

enjoyed reading about you in Beam's cloumn.Glad to see all that letter-writing has gotten some special acknowledgement. Wish they would have printed your entire blog address, though.

8:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, You think those weenie liberal Democrats will be able to handle the radical cult out there known as Islam? The Netherlands finally woke up.

12:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I simply don't understand how anyone can link political gamesmanship with service to one's country. And invoking one's own service as superior than another's or to establish "credibility" in the name of political advancement is at best opportunistic, at worst it's traitorous. I spent six years on active duty in the Navy, and I'm disgusted by Murtha's ploy. And I continue to be disgusted by my junior senator's pattern of using his DD214 as a prop when it serves his advancement (see the '04 Convention speech..."reporting for duty..."), and I'm sick of his pattern of trashing the men and women who are VOLUNTEERS! I (we) shouldn't be surprised though. It's what "they" do. Murtha et al want it both ways. I didn't hear one positive comment about the Federal employees and military VOLUNTEERS who chipped in to help New Orleans while the (democratic) mayor and senator were panicing. We'd all be equally (and rightfully) disgusted if John McCain started using the fact he spent five+ years in captivity as the reason Hillary disagrees with his politics.

9:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have served in the US Navy in the Middle East as a coxswain of a 37 foot patrol boat. I want to thank you for championing our cause and protecting our honor. It's great to see that there are people like yourself that understand the sacrifices we have all made over there. Looks like the Democrats are doing their best to Murtha the war effort. If the weaker Republicans Kerry and vote with the Dems, they may just pull it off. This may sound odd but I actually might take honor in the term "swift boating a candidate" if it was always used to describe the sinking of a Democrat's political career. God bless you and the United States.

10:01 PM  

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