Thursday, November 02, 2006

Boston Globe Attacks Bush for Defending Troops!

The Boston Globe published three letters today regarding Sen. John F. Kerry's disgusting insult to the intelligence of the U.S. Military. Two supported Sen. Kerry and one was neutral. Of course, this is no surprise to those that read this space.

The more interesting item of note was a Boston Globe editorial condemning President Bush for intentionally mischaracterizing Sen. Kerry's words. Are they serious?

The letter in response:


The Editorial Board's hollow condemnation of Americans making Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA) pay a price for his insulting words about U.S. troops wouldn't be so hollow if the Editorial Board ever produced an editorial supporting Sen. George Allen (R, VA) and condemning Democrat James Webb who is opposing Sen. Allen in next Tuesday's election (Dumb and Dumb, November 2, A10). For I'm positive "maccaca" wasn't in any of Sen. Allen's prepared remarks yet James Webb continues to exploit the "mistake" which Sen. Allen apologized for immediately, unlike Sen. Kerry, and repeatedly, unlike Sen. Kerry, and in person, unlike, coward Sen. Kerry who hid behind his web site. I'm also positive that President Bush never said "mission accomplished" but that hasn't stopped the Democrat's "hate machine" (a phrase I'm borrowing from Sen. Kerry, you know, the uniter) from mischaracterizing a sign that some sailors hung on the USS Abraham Lincoln. (End of letter.)

John O'Neil, a registered Democrat, a Vietnam veteran, and retired Navy officer that spoke up during the 2004 Presidential campaign along with 294 of his fellow servicemen to question Senator Kerry's fitness for President, was on television tonight. He said he feared what Sen. Kerry's words from Monday would mean for al Qaeda. You know, prominent US politician. His party's nominee for President so obviously someone Americans support. Hmmmm. Where did we read this before (hint: scroll down just one post; my goodness, the title says it all!)? Anyway, first and ZacklyRight again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you actual hear what Kerry said or just the spin put out by the Party?

9:59 PM  
Blogger Zack said...


Of course I heard everything the coward said. Well, except the apology; nobody heard that. He had a staffer type that on his web site. The coward.

11:13 PM  

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