Saturday, December 02, 2006

Misinterpreted Mandate

A very short post today; the letter the Boston Globe received from me earlier this week:


That enough Democrats were elected to the U.S. House and Senate to give them control brings to mind two well-worn clichés: “be careful what you wish for” and “sometimes fact is more outrageous than fiction”.

In “Success of drug plan poses challenge for Democrats (November 27, A5)”, Ms. Lori Montgomery notes that 80 percent of enrollees in the Medicare drug benefit program, a program created by the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (the Act), are satisfied with the program. Recall, the Act was strongly pushed by the President, was passed by huge bi-partisan votes in both the U.S. House and Senate and was endorsed by the AARP (Blogger’s Note: see my post of October 12, 2005 where I list this piece of landmark legislation as Accomplishment #9 in a very long and impressive list of Accomplishments by President Bush). Oh, and the program cost $26 billion less in 2006 than budgeted.

Yet, as the title of the article suggests and as Ms. Montgomery shares in the article, Democrats are looking to dismantle a program they think they successfully vilified during the recently completed campaign.

Why watch Comedy Central when there are Democrats in control in Washington? Uh, don’t get to comfortable in that Speaker’s chair, Ms. Pelosi. (End of letter.)

The Demagogues think they have a mandate; unfortunately, Seniors may very well be harmed by Democrats overplaying their hand. Let's hope this is not the case.

And, it is very interesting the liberal media did not share the popularity of the Act nor the favorable costs to budget with the American people BEFORE the election. And, yes, as I've written before, I put much of the blame for the American people, especially Seniors, not getting this information before the election on the President's entire communication team. I'm dumb-founded that the President's team keeps successes secret. Well, it gives me something to do.


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