Saturday, March 10, 2007

Sen. John Edwards and Edwards Sponsored Hate-Speech

For those that know what's coming, relax, I decided against reproducing uneditted quotes.

Sen. John Edwards did not fire two paid campaign workers, Ms. Amanda Marcotte and Ms. Melissa McEwan, for any of the following hate-filled, written, statements:

Marcotte: "The Catholic Church is not about to let something like compassion for girls get in the way of using the state as an instrument to force women to bear more tithing Catholics."

Marcotte: "Can't a few white boys (Duke lax players) sexually assault a black woman anymore without people getting all wound up about it? So unfair."

McEwan: President Bush's conservative Christian supporters are his "wingnut Christofascist base."

McEwan: Referred to religious conservatives as "lousy motherf---ers".

Sen. Edwards did not fire Ms. McEwan or Ms. Marcotte. He defended them.

When Ms. McEwan and Ms. Marcotte each resigned from their paid positions in the Edwards' campaign (because Sen. Edwards did not fire them, oh, I wrote this twice already), they each blamed conservative institutions for their demise. Wow, classless as well as foul-mouthed and hate-filled; there's a surprise.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

obviously a coulter knee-jerk response

10:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who were these "campaign workers" speaking to when quoted? They must have been rather low on the totem pole. Also, remember that if politicians had to fire every campaign worker who had an"extreme" viewpoint, they'd have just about no one working for them. It is those people with the most fervor that are willing to volunteer or work for peanuts on their chosen candidate's campaign. I don't think Edwards shares their views and I don't think its fair to hold him accountable.

9:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I definitely think Edwards is responsible for the people he is paying . . . especially when he's informed of their hate after the fact and instead of firing the religious bigots, he defends them.

The bigots didn't say anything, by the way. Their hateful words are published on their respective blogs. I have not gone to the blogs to verify this. I researched a la "Google" and found enough material to name the bigots and cite some of their hateful words.

8:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just how did Edwards "defend them"? (I apologoize for my ignorance regarding this story. I have not heard word one about it other than from your blog)

9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:43 AM  
Blogger Zack said...


newsjunkie is not my straight man/woman . . . one would think so given . . . he/she is ZACKlyRight!

Yes, the liberal media generally ignored paid campaign workers of Sen. Edwards calling Christian conservatives "Christofacists". That the liberal media ignored the particularly offensive comments specifically directed at the Catholics is absolutely no surprise. Call a Crucifix in a glass of urine art . . . sure don't worry about offending the overly-sensitive Catholics. Fling elephant dung on an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Please, that's not offensive if only the Catholics are up in arms. So, no, the liberal media certainly wasn't going to get to excited about "lousy motherf---kers". The liberal media was not about to make a big stink about the Democratic Vice Presidential candidate from 2004 possibly being a religious bigot.

Thank you to anonymous for the reference. CNN, no less. Good for them. "Generally ignored" is accurate.

7:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you know the only "safe" people to put down in America are Catholics and white males? They've been fair game for a long time and it ain't getting any better.

3:51 PM  

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