Monday, February 09, 2009

Bush's Third Term

Before I get to Bush's third term, this was President Obama today in Indiana, taunting me for another "Politics of Fear" installment, " . . . But you know, the work is going to be hard. I don't want to lie to people -- that's why we're having a town hall meeting -- because the situation we face could not be more serious. We have inherited an economic crisis as deep and as dire as any since the Great Depression ("

Now, because I enjoy dining on the soft underbelly of angry liberals, the letter to the editor of the Boston Globe submitted over the weekend; it needs no introduction:


It must render those who voted for President Obama absolutely apoplectic.

After asking four US Senators and one US Representative who voted for the Iraq war to serve in his administration, after retaining Bush's Secretary of Defense, after announcing he will continue operations at Guantanamo for up to a year under the Bush rules, and after announcing he will in the short-term continue President Bush's faith-based initiatives program under Bush's rules, it's now being reported that President Obama is considering leaving combat troops in Iraq for up to 23 months, almost 50% longer than promised during the campaign (White House considers various Iraq withdrawal options, February 7, A5).

At least the Boston Globe did its job in trying to "protect" our President by burying the Iraq war extension story on page 5 and not on page 1 as we know it would have been reported if President Bush dared consider such an extension. (End of letter.)

Because I wanted to honor the word limit requirement of the Globe I did not make any mention of PEPFAR, General Petraeus, General Odierno, or Ambassador Christopher Hill. Plus I didn't want to be accused of piling on the President.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, only Republican Presidents are allowed to be piled on.

7:44 AM  

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