Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The American People Aren't Stupid

During the Presidential campaign President Obama unconvincingly attempted to have us believe he thought we were smart by declaring, "the American people aren't stupid."

He could not bring himself to positively say we were smart, however. (Try telling your significant other he/she "isn't ugly" so you better understand the nuance.)

Now there is overwheleming evidence as to why the President could not state the affirmative.

It now appears there was a deal that President Obama would appoint Sen. Judd Gregg as Secretary of Commerce only if the Governor of New Hampshire agreed to appoint a Republican to fill Sen. Gregg's seat.

This is the same Adminstration that just weeks ago announced "no one (in the Administration) was aware" that Gov. Blagojevich (D, IL) was trying to sell President Obama's vacant Senate seat to the highest bidder.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you lost me on this(maybe I actually am stupid). what is your point?

2:38 PM  
Blogger Zack said...


During the campaign, President Obama said the American people aren't stupid. Well, I think that was a sign he did think we were stupid because he didn't say, "The American people are smart." Kind of like how I think Sen. Kerry really does think stupid people join the military.

Then, after the election, his to-be-White House Counsel Greg Craig said that "no one" in Obama's inner circle was aware Gov. Blagojevich was trying to sell Obama's Senate seat. Blagojevich is not unknown to Obama, Emanuel, Jarrett, Jackson, et al. These people definitely know he's capable of such a thing. Didn't they participate in deal making with Blagojevich? No, we think the American people really are stupid. We'll issue a report no one knew and we'd never do such a thing.

Then, Obama picks Gregg after a deal was made with a squeaky clean Governor.

Americans are stupid if they think no one in Obama's circle was aware of Blagojevich's plans.

I look forward to Blago's trial when he gets to call witnesses in his defense. Obama thought he should resign yet no one in his circle knew Blago was committing a crime when they were talking to him? That's not believable.

Feb. 5, 5:47 pm

5:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking the time- I got it now.

7:52 PM  

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