Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Racist Democrats to Select Next President

The letter I submitted to the Boston Globe today:


So, Clinton supporter Susan Kincaid of West Virginia thinks Sen. Clinton "has a better chance in November than (Sen.) Obama. I think there's still a lot of racism in this country and I think that would hinder him" (W. Va. Clinton fans want her to stay and fight, May 14, A8).

The exit polls in Ms. Kincaid's beloved West Virginia show her state's white Democrats picked Sen. Clinton 74% of the time. I'm sure Ms. Kincaid does not think any of her white Democratic friends are racists; surely they all have perfectly good explanations for why they prefer the white candidate.

Exit polls in some earlier Democratic primaries show blacks picking Sen. Obama more than 90% of the time.

News flash to Ms. Kincaid and other in-denial Democrats: there are racists in the Democratic Party. (End of letter.)

Sen. John McCain will be the next President of the United States of America. And, part of the reason will be because Ms. Kincaid is correct, "there's still a lot of racism in this country". Little does she know how much a part of it she and her Democratic friends are.

Hopefully the realization that there are Democratic racists and black racists will be the catalyst for an honest discussion of race relations in this country.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Senator McCain will be the next President of the United States because he is the superior candidate when run versus Senator Obama or Senator Clinton. He is, of course, not the most qualified citizen available. That distinction, of course, belongs to Governor Romney.

Racism will not be a factor in the November election. However, as Senator McCain pulls away in the polls, liberal media such as the Boston Globe and New York Times will play the race card saying whites won't vote for Senator Obama because, generally, whites are scared of the ramifications of a black president. That, of course, is ridiculous. These so-called news outlets will ignore that blacks, generally, did not vote for Senator Clinton. Republicans, of course, will be the party that elects the first black president; General Powell and Secretary Rice lead the list of viable black candidates. The fact is some of the votes Senator McCain earns will be from racists, sexists, and possibly fascists. But mostly the votes he receives will be from mainstream americans who are appalled (offended?) by the moon-bat politics of the left. His inevitable election will have nothing to do with Senator Obama's skin color, or hanging chad for that matter. It will be about good versus evil. It will be about right versus wrong. It will be about accepting its OK to have enemies, and that its OK to fight your enemies on your own terms rather than appease them. We will be reminded of what duty, honor, country mean. It will be a landslide of Reagan/Mondale proportions.

8:03 PM  
Blogger Zack said...


Wow! I wish I wrote that well. Keep it up and I'll give you the password to post posts.

May 15, 9:25 pm

9:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hardball, I like the way you think and I hope you're right. It's going to be an interesting several months ahead.

5:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the other hand, if the election is about Senator Obama's skin color then I'm sure the biased press will conduct a thorough vetting of all the "anti's" and "-ists". Because African Americans do not have a monopoly on adverse, sometimes government sponsored, treatment. The media will start with the obvious parallel, the "anti-mormoning" of Governor Romney. It will then dissect the "anti-semitisting" of Senator Lieberman by the leftists who blew a gasket when he "left" the party and trounced an unqualified local Pol. If they opt out of the political parallels, they'll explore how minority communities throughout American history have measured progress across generations rather than instant gratification (reparations). As Exhibit A, I cite the blue collar (and strongly democratic) Jewish community that started as deli and dry cleaner and tailor shop owners who educated their children to white collar professionals who educated their children to qualify as doctors and lawyers. Because African Americans do not have a monopoly on adverse, sometimes government sponsored, treatment. Exhibit B would be the Japanese community on the US left coast who suffered personal property being confiscated and imprisonment then "moved on" to establish vibrant and assimilated communities over subsequent generations. Because African Americans do not have a monopoly on adverse, sometimes government sponsored, treatment. Or Korean & Chinese immigrants, also on the left coast, who followed a similar path as early 20th century jews on the right coast to the point where the University of California system is dominated by Asian students. Because African Americans do not have a monopoly on adverse, sometimes government sponsored, treatment. Like African-Americans these communities have distinct physical characteristics that present an opportunity for bias. And like African-Americans they have suffered at the hand of explicit and implied (negative bias). But rather than wallow in self-pity they've advanced their communities through individual values like hard work and education in the face of ignorance.

7:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hardball, I like the way you think even more.

2:27 PM  

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