Monday, May 12, 2008

Correlation - Michelle Obama and Rev. Wright

It's been 327 days since Sen. Hillary Clinton declared U.S. victory in Iraq; more than 497 US military personnel have been killed in Iraq since Sen. Clinton's declaration of victory.

Also, it's been 344 days since Sen. Hillary Clinton declared the U.S. mainland safe from terrorists.

Though I applaud Sen. Barack Obama condemning the behavior and words of Rev. Wright, I'm puzzled by the silence on the matter by Mrs. Michelle Obama, who has not been shy about speaking her mind on every other topic.

Sen. and Mrs. Obama attended the same Church for 20 years. They chose to expose their daughters to the hateful words of Rev. Wright.

It was Mrs. Obama who earlier this year said, “People in this country are ready for change and hungry for a different kind of politics and … for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback.”

I suggest there is a correlation between the Obama's attendance in Rev. Wright's Church for 20 years and Mrs. Obama's lack of pride in our country.

To what extent does Mrs. Obama's beliefs impact her husband's? The country just had to know First Lady Nancy Reagan frequented an astrologer, is there as much interest in the radical beliefs Mrs. Obama apparently harbors?

Finally, related to the post immediately below, Air Force One, with Harrison Ford, alludes to Article 4 of the 25th Amendment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Michele Obama is downright scary. And, I fully believe she's the one calling all the shots in her husband's trek to the Presidency. Heaven help us all if he wins in November. Their "Co-Presidency" would devastate this country (well, at least for the white people).

6:13 PM  

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