Friday, May 02, 2008

Facts Don't Matter to Liberal Extremists

Two letters I submitted to the Boston Globe in the last two weeks.

Ms. Joan Vennochi’s column bemoaning “the facts didn’t matter” to critics of recent Democratic presidential candidates was hysterical for its irony (Obama’s patriotism, April 20, D9).

Ms. Vennochi wrote, “The GOP turned (Gov.) Dukakis into a civil liberties-loving elitist who let convicted felons free to strike again.” As people familiar with the facts know, the victims of convicted murderer Mr. William Horton paid for the campaign ads that reminded voters of Gov. Dukakis’ ridiculous furlough program. People familiar with the facts also know that Gov. Dukakis refused to meet with Mr. Horton’s non-murdered victims, Mr. Cliff Barnes and Ms. Angela Miller, which contrasts greatly with the widely unknown fact that President Bush did once meet privately with Ms. Cindy Sheehan.

She also wrote, “In 2004, (Sen.) Kerry, a decorated Vietnam veteran, came under attack from fellow veterans who questioned the legitimacy of (Sen. Kerry’s) combat medals . . . .” People familiar with the facts know the Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth are decorated veterans as well. It is also a fact that President Bush and everyone in his Administration acknowledged Sen. Kerry’s honorable service and acknowledged the Senator as a bona fide American war hero.

Her defense of Vice President Gore’s typewriter piloting during the Vietnam War while simultaneously belittling President Bush’s Vietnam-era ability to take-off in, fly, and land a military jet turns logic on its head.

On one point Ms. Vennochi is correct, “The ability to undermine a campaign has nothing to do with logic, fact or confidence.” This statement is proved by Democrats’ and the liberal media establishment’s grotesque demagoguery of words the President never spoke, “mission accomplished,” and their grotesque manipulation of words Sen. McCain did speak, “100 years,” to give just two examples. (End of first letter.)

And a quick-hitter:


A more accurate title for Mr. Peter Canellos' column about current national Democrats' disdain for the working class and the same Democrats' masterful manipulation of economic woes would have been "Democrats must renew con on working class" (Democrats must renew bond with working class, April 15, A2). (End of second letter.)


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