Obama still Messiah in Boston
My last two letters to the editor of the Boston Globe:
1. Under the caption, "Obama wins with 58-40 vote?!":
The liberal delusionalism that is the Boston Globe could not be better illustrated than by your asinine claim that "President Obama scored a major victory yesterday . . . when the Senate voted to halt production of the Air Force's top fighter jet, the F-22 Raptor . . . . (President wins on defense spending, July 22, A1)"
The vote in the Senate was a measely 58 - 40. That's a "major victory" when the President is backed by a filibuster-proof Senate?
The U.S. Senate voted for war in Iraq by 77 - 23 yet the liberal extremism that is the Boston Globe routinely allows that the war in Iraq was "Bush's war of choice".
I'm not a delusional liberal extremist so you can see how I am confused by the Obama "major victory" proclamation. (End of first letter.)
2. Under the caption, "Black Cops Worst Racial Profilers - So Says Boston Globe":
Ms. Carol Rose, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, should seriously reconsider her desire for more detailed data on Massachusetts traffic stops if she is secretly hoping it's going to be an indictment of white police officers as her column so grotesquely suggests (Racial profiling is alive and well, July 22, A11).
Excerpting from the Boston Globe's July 2003 story on its own study on the Boston Police Department, "When police departments are accused of racial profiling, white officers are generally the ones facing scrutiny. But a Boston Globe analysis of 20,000 Boston police tickets and warnings tells a different story: Minority officers here are at least as tough as whites on minority drivers, and sometimes tougher . . . minority officers were less lenient overall, issuing fewer warnings to all drivers . . . and the racial gap was wider, with minority officers ticketing 43 percent of whites and 54 percent of minorities at the same speeds, the Globe found . . . further, the records show that black officers were toughest on Latino drivers, ticketing 67 percent of Latinos, but just 47 percent of blacks (Minority officers are stricter on minorities, July 20, 2003)."
Knowing that Latinos could be white or black, one has to wonder at what rate black Boston police officers were ticketing white Latinos in order to drive the percentage to 67 percent for all Latinos if they are only ticketing 47 percent of all blacks.
I condemn racism by all racists, no matter their color. An honest conversation on race-relations has to acknowledge racists are of all colors. In a "nation of cowards" on the issue of race-relations, I hope we eventually get the honest conversation we deserve. (End of second letter.)
President Obama step on his own lead last night when instead of trying to defend and sell his health care disaster, he criticized Cambridge, MA law enforcement without availing himself of the facts of a recent arrest there. The President failed in his first opportunity to improve race-relations in this Country. The President failed miserably.