Monday, May 25, 2009

Gutless Liberal Media; Panetta Must Go

The White House press corps is full of cowards.

President Obushma has been allowed to completely change the subject of enhanced interrogation techniques at Guantanamo because the gutless cowards in the liberal media refuse to ask White House press secretary Gibbs or the President one simple question:

Can the President legally order enhanced interrogation techniques against terrorists?

So simple.

I know, I know, President Obushma nor Gibbs will answer that question. They will both answer it is a moot point because the President won’t so order, but that’s not the answer to the question asked. A gutless White House press corps that cannot ask the simple question certainly has no backbone to ask the necessary follow-up.

I wrote long ago that CIA Director Leon Panetta should resign. This man that President Obushma just had to have at the CIA advised against selectively releasing CIA memos for the sole purpose of politicizing past national security measures. The President disavowed the counsel of his own CIA Director and selectively released the memos anyway. This matter alone was justification for Panetta to do the right thing.

Some time ago Panetta gave an interview to the San Francisco Chronicle where he claimed the President does have executive power to order the use of enhanced interrogation techniques. In the same interview Panetta quickly states that the President will not exercise that power.

So, the question then must be asked of the White House. Does President Obushma have executive power to order the enhanced interrogation of terrorists.

If the answer is “no” then we now have additional justification for the removal of Panetta. If the answer is “no” then the President should fire the man he previously emasculated with the selective memo release.

If the answer is “yes”, well, then, it’s a whole new ball game in Washington. The new game is not one the gutless cowards and Obushma cheerleaders in the liberal press corps want to play.

Finally, Obushma’s silence in defending Panetta and the CIA against the remarkable charges of Speaker Pelosi that the CIA lied to her, even after Panetta issued a statement it did not, further underscores the lack of confidence the President has in the Director.

Director Panetta must go. Americans deserve a CIA Director fully capable of keeping us safe. Panetta is not that man. He should be fired or he should resign. Republican concerns that a man of no intelligence background and with no appreciation of the gamesmanship skills required for the position were demonized at the time of Panetta’s nomination but those concerns now look so very prescient.


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