Friday, May 22, 2009

Is Dowd a Pelosi (as well as a plagiarist)?

(Blogger's Note: I googled "Obushma" and found web references a few weeks earlier than I ever used the word so I was not the first.)

The bitter and vengeful Maureen Dowd, the character assassin for the New York Times, was caught in a plagiarism scandal earlier this week.

Normally, I would have let this go as I honestly didn’t think any members of the Angry Left ever had a unique thought, the members are the epitome of the “echo chamber”. I really thought the members (like all gangs, they wear black leather jackets, the back of this gangs reads, "Politics of Personal Destruction”) did get the same hateful talking points each morning from the White House and just kept repeating them as instructed.

So, Wednesday I see the story on the web news sites and I’m intrigued enough to go read the New York Times on-line. What do I see but Ms. Dowd’s Wednesday column, “Cheney Grabs a Third Term”.

On Tuesday night, I posted four of my latest letters that the Boston Globe did not publish. The first discusses a Saturday Night Live skit with Cheney as puppeteer to Obushma’s marionette. Dowd’s Wednesday column is a mean-spirited and nasty dialogue between Cheney and Rumsfeld. It is a skit that Saturday Night Live could have done if they wanted to do something less funny than my idea. Ms. Dowd also repeats a significant portion of the Bush’s Third Term letter that I’ve been publishing here since February 9.

So, now seeing more evidence of plagiarism from bitter and vengeful Dowd, I went back and read the plagiarism news stories.

Check this out, in an earlier column the bitter and vengeful Dowd wrote:
More and more the timeline is raising the question of why, if the torture was to prevent terrorist attacks, it seemed to happen mainly during the period when the Bush crowd was looking for what was essentially political information to justify the invasion of Iraq.

On a blog that I’ve never read, the Talking Points Memo, a Josh Marshall had previously written:
More and more the timeline is raising the question of why, if the torture was to prevent terrorist attacks, it seemed to happen mainly during the period when we were looking for what was essentially political information to justify the invasion of Iraq.

Now here is where the story gets truly unbelievable. The bitter and vengeful Dowd claims she came into the idea of the sentence by HEARING a friend convey a similar idea.

Anyone ever play “whisper down the lane”? Person 1 whispers something to Person 2 and so on to some last person and the last person repeats what the second to last person said and it’s compared to the first pass. It’s an exercise in listening comprehension and, in my opinion, the inherent diversity of others. In the game, “The little boy who lives in the red house has a puppy dog,” has no chance of being repeated exactly the same way by the third person. No chance.

Yet, Ms Dowd heard a friend repeat what the friend apparently read on Talking Point Memo and Ms. Dowd reproduced it word-for-word except for two or three words? Only delusional liberals circling the wagons to protect one of their bitter and vengeful leaders could believe such garbage.

Given the timeline of my post and Ms. Dowd’s 'Cheney' column, it appears she could be a serial plagiarist. I’ve not been contacted by Ms. Dowd or the New York Times with an apology.

To possibly being a serial plagiarist, we now have to ask, is Ms. Dowd a pelosi as well? Ms. Dowd’s explanation of how she came to write the same exact words as Mr. Marshall is simply not believable.


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