Saturday, May 02, 2009

Racist? African-Americans Optimistic on Obama

Mr. Derrick Z. Jackson, a liberal columnist for my “news”paper, the Boston Globe, writes “Ninety-one percent of African-Americans approve of the way Obama is handling the economy, compared with 55 percent of white Americans (African-Americans optimistic on Obama, May 2).”

Some time ago U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said that Americans constituted a “nation of cowards” for our in ability to discuss race-relations. Hearing the context of his words, I never thought he meant only whites were cowards and I always thought he meant all races contributed some cowards.

At the time I heard General Holder’s comments (and I did hear them and not read them), my immediate thought was, “he’s ZACKlyRight, it’s what I’ve been writing about since I started this blog almost four years ago.”

I will repeat it again for the newcomers, I do not know if blacks are more racist than whites or if whites are more racist than blacks. I do know there are black racists and white racists; an honest conversation on race would acknowledge this.

Mr. Jackson’s column is heavy on cherry-picking other statistics to attack Republican Presidents and to suggest white America is still struggling with Obama’s race. As White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said, “never waste a good disaster”, Mr. Jackson is not going to miss the opportunity to selectively use poll numbers to encourage more white guilt. You get the sense reading Mr. Jackson that he’s more interested in exploiting the racial divide than he is healing it.

Mr. Jackson even goes out of his way to remind us that “just” 43% of whites voted for Obama over Sen. John McCain last November.

As I wrote shortly after election day, 95% of blacks voted for Obama (Mr. Jackson doesn't remind us of this!) and no one but me seemed to think there was a potential racism issue there (recall, exit polling concluded !100%! of black women in North Carolina voted for Obama).

"Just" 43% of whites supporting the black candidate offends Mr. Jackson; Mr. Jackson is oblivious to 5% of blacks supporting the white candidate.

Ninety-one is less than 95 so maybe Obama is losing support in the African-American community but I still think the 91% number is telling. I suggest 91% indicates some level of racism and I think a nation of cowards should (be able to) discuss it.


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