Monday, May 04, 2009

Three Letters

My last three letters to the editor of the Boston Globe; as usual, none need an introduction:



The comparison that liberal extremist cannot see, though it is so blinding, is between Presidents Lincoln and Bush for it was President Bush who "after finding so many generals wanting" turned to Gen. Petraeus to win the war in Iraq (General Petraeus's 'Anaconda Plan', April 28).

The most Lincolnesque action by any President since Lincoln was done by President George W. Bush. (End of first letter.)



The liberal extremists who control the media have begun to demagogue President Obama’s opportunity to nominate a “minority” for the US Supreme Court.

Obama cheerleader and Globe Staffer, Joseph Williams writes, “Obama is widely expected to nominate a woman – and could make history by choosing what could be the high court’s first African-American female or Latino, according to legal and political analysts (Obama may break with tradition for high court pick, May 2, A8).”

Of course, there was no such elation from the media for President George W. Bush’s dalliance with “history” when, at two different times, his short-list of Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) nominees consisted of federal judges Janice Rogers Brown (African-American female) and Emilio Garza (Latino) despite overt hostility from Senate Democrats for either's nomination. Recall, another Latino, Miguel Estrada, never got as far as SCOTUS consideration as he was the first Circuit Court nominee in history to be successfully filibustered; the selectively, diversity-obsessed, Senate Democrats refusing to let this Latino serve.

My best to the Republican Senator who dares to discuss the paper trail suggesting extremism (there, no doubt, will be an abortion-on-demand litmus test) if Obama nominates a “minority” for we know exactly the next card the White House, Senate Democrats and a compliant liberal media will play . . . the deck now being fixed. (End of second letter.)



Sen. Patrick Leahy’s column, Lifting the Bush-era veil of secrecy (Ideas, May 3, C9) was funny for many reasons but since the Boston Globe has a 200 word limit on letters and not a 1,000 word limit, allow me to note just two reasons and not twenty-two.

First, Sen. Leahy (D, VT), typical of liberal extremists, repeatedly and erroneously gives President Obama credit for stopping that which President Bush already stopped. President Bush stopped the interrogation technique of water boarding in 2003. It was not re-started. Therefore, President Obama could not stop anything; he could only reassert President Bush and keep stopped that which was already stopped. It is hysterical that liberals don’t understand simple logic.

Second, Sen. Leahy four times references the Bush Administration as the “Bush-Cheney Administration” indicating just how obsessed Senate Democrats were with the Vice President. The only two times Sen. Leahy refers to the Obama Administration in the column, he refers to it as the “Obama Administration” indicating that he doesn’t want to remind readers that President Obama selected an idiot to be Vice President.

That our Vice President is an embarrassment to Democratic Senate Judiciary Chairman Leahy is actually not that funny at all. (End of third letter.)


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