Saturday, February 14, 2009

Katrina Anyone?

At 5:30 am today, this was posted on President Obama’s White House web-site,

“Today President Obama is celebrating the passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act as a "major milestone on our road to recovery . . . "

I’m not kidding.

The President is “celebrating”. Celebrating?

My “news”paper, the Boston Globe, chose two pictures for today’s front page announcing the passage of the stimulus bull. One has Reps. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA) and Charles Rangel (D, NY), a tax-cheat, standing at a podium laughing. Rep. Pelosi is actually pictured with her head tossed back she is laughing so hard.

Photo Credit: Susan Walsh, Associated Press

The other shows Sen. Susan Collins (R, ME) in full laughter.

Buried in the story and confirmed by the White House web-site is the acknowledgement that President Obama will not sign the bill into law today or tomorrow. That he didn’t stay in the Oval Office last night waiting for the bill’s arrival is outrageous.

My letter to the editor:


That "the White House said (President) Obama would probably sign the (stimulus) bill early next week" says it all ($787b stimulus bill approved, February 14, A1).

This was our Fearmonger-in-Chief President Obama just a few days ago as published in the Washington Post, "Because each day we wait to begin the work of turning our economy around, more people lose their jobs, their savings and their homes."

Well, as long as the President's Valentine's Day weekend isn't too inconvenienced by "ordinary" people's problems; Katrina anyone? (End of letter to the editor.)

I didn’t write “each day” to scare Americans, President Obama did.

"Nancy and Charlie, you're doing a heckuva job."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That photo is vomitrocious. You really should have warned your readers ahead of time.

12:23 PM  
Blogger Zack said...

President Obama is expected to sign his stimulus bull tomorrow.

The White House has not released its estiimate of how many jobs, how much savings or how many homes were lost while the President waited 4 days to sign legislation he said was urgent.

The White House is also silent as to whether the President is still celebrating passage of the bull.

Feb. 16, 7:49 am

7:49 AM  

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